Pełna wersja gry Diluvian Winds jest dostępna na GOG.COM. Możesz zakupić ją
Diluvian Winds: Prologue is a free playable alpha of Diluvian Winds which focuses on the beginning of the game and will help you get familiar with the game mechanics.
It is a 2D management game in semi...
Pełna wersja gry Diluvian Winds jest dostępna na GOG.COM. Możesz zakupić ją
Diluvian Winds: Prologue is a free playable alpha of Diluvian Winds which focuses on the beginning of the game and will help you get familiar with the game mechanics.
It is a 2D management game in semi-real time, in a context of exile due to the rising waters. You play the Guardian, an individual who, refusing to leave his lighthouse, will witness this mass exodus.
Expand your Community by Floating, Flying or even Submerging
Each Lodged Refugee will make changes of varying magnitude around the Lighthouse, making it more resilient to the gradually rising waters.
Enter a poetic universe combining Sail Punk architecture and Anthropomorphism
In order to survive, the Keeper will have to choose whether or not to house nearby Travelers in need of help.
Experience countless stories with procedurally generated events and characters
Different Survival Paths will be open to the Keeper to adapt his Lighthouse to withstand the flood.
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