The Dark Eye - Demonicon is a thrilling action-RPG set in the extraordinarily popular universe of “The Dark Eye”, a richly crafted fantasy world beloved by fantasy gamers across the globe.
The Dark Eye - Demonicon tells the tragic story of a brother and sister who become pawns of sinister forces...
The Dark Eye - Demonicon is a thrilling action-RPG set in the extraordinarily popular universe of “The Dark Eye”, a richly crafted fantasy world beloved by fantasy gamers across the globe.
The Dark Eye - Demonicon tells the tragic story of a brother and sister who become pawns of sinister forces in a world of cruelty and depravity. In this bleak yet magical world, their affection is both a blessing and a curse. Both are constantly threatened by mortal danger and demonic temptation, and must find a way through their tortured lives by facing serious moral decisions. Their common destiny will determine that of the entire continent, and will be decided by the choices they make. Hordes of fiends block their way to freedom and peace, and only through battle and magic they will truly become free of the darkness.
A third-person action-RPG featuring brutal melee attack combos and dazzling magic spells
Powerful storytelling with an elaborate narrative rich with twists, as well as believable conflicts and ethical decision-making opportunities
Action-packed battles, where pin-point timing and clever tactics play important roles
Unique magic system: a dark talent grants the player devastating mystical powers and changes his physical appearance
Comprehensive crafting system allows for creation of potions, poisoned blades and enchanted armor
State-of-the-art 3D visuals using the powerful Havok Vision engine
A richly detailed game world embedded in the extensive fantasy world of The Dark Eye
Częste osiągnięcia
10 potions or poisons used
Received the Gift in the tutorial
Chain Artist
Learned Chain of Blows
Eager Student
Reached Mastery Rank Four in one talent
Frenzied Chain Artist
Achieved a chain of 12 blows and triggered Demonic Fever
Prepare for Adventure!
Passed a Talent test
Completed 5 battles without a scratch
Dodatkowa zawartość
instrukcja (EN)
instrukcja (FR)
instrukcja (DE)
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Ta gra będzie działać na obecnych i przyszłych najpopularniejszych konfiguracjach PC z systemem Windows. Bez DRM.
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