The Shining Lands are no longer the oasis they used to be. A toxic gas known as Mirk has plagued this land, putting those who venture outside the city walls at risk, and Evni Hunt and her crew might be the only ones able to stop it.
Ten years in the making, Defender’s Quest II: Mists of Ru...
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Level Up Labs, LLC, ...
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The Shining Lands are no longer the oasis they used to be. A toxic gas known as Mirk has plagued this land, putting those who venture outside the city walls at risk, and Evni Hunt and her crew might be the only ones able to stop it.
Ten years in the making, Defender’s Quest II: Mists of Ruin is the sequel to the classic tower defense game by Level Up Labs. Sporting a stylish and vibrant new look, this latest entry in the series brings its tactical brilliance to a strange new land. Recruit a team of like-minded heroes to aid you in your quest, strengthen them through combat and upgrades, and protect your ship from waves of powerful enemies.
Strategically position The Hunters and their rivals The Stars in challenging tower defense combat.
Recruit new party members to expand your team’s capabilities.
Equip skills and upgrade your arsenal in order to deal devastating blows to a vast array of powerful enemies.
Explore a vast and dangerous world illustrated in an energetic visual style.
Immerse yourself in a thrilling narrative written by acclaimed games writer Xalavier Nelson, Jr.
Copyright 2023 Level Up Labs, LLC
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