A roguelite strategic deck builder, Deepest Chamber: Resurrection challenges players to endure a series of increasingly demanding randomized descents into the murky depths of a dying city. Unlikely allies will fight at your side, from mighty warriors and powerful mages to pious healers and dark, shadowy figures… Play to your strengths, form the perfect party and venture ever-deeper into the dark in search of answers and salvation.
Card Boosting: A one-of-kind mechanic in which a card's power is enhanced when adjacent cards are played. Upgrade your deck to pack a more powerful punch and synergize your cards’ abilities with different items and mechanics to stack the odds in your favour.
It's dangerous to go alone: Choose from a vast amount of cards, items and trinkets to create your favorite builds and combos. With over 200 cards and 100 trinkets at your disposal, the strategies you can employ are virtually endless.
Easy to learn, hard to master: Face an unforgiving roguelite campaign which emphasizes replayability by employing various difficulty modifiers, diverse encounters and biomes teeming with lore-expanding secrets.
Balancing Act: The hero party system allows players to enlist three out of six possible champions at the start of their run. Each hero has cards, abilities and equipment dedicated to their class, adding an extra layer of planning and strategy with each descent.
Run for your lives: Apart from regular runs, in which heroes retain some of the loot won on previous descents, players can employ Death March mode, in which equipment stats are ignored, for an even more ruthless experience.
Ruins explorer: Uncover secrets while exploring the depths and find hidden areas, rare cards, powerful relics and elite monsters.
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