Something is wrong in Cape Fortune...
Dark Tides is the story of a seaside Victorian town that's rapidly becoming infected with a disease that looks a whole lot like demonic possession. When a fake fortune teller finds out she can actually read minds she will become Cape Fortune's unlikely her...
Dodawanie opinii i ocen będzie możliwe po premierze gry.
Szczegóły produktu
Hammered Crow Games, ...
Wymagania systemowe
Windows 10, Intel Core i3-2100 (3.1GHz) or AMD Phenom X4 945 (3.0GHz), 4 GB RAM, Nvidia GeForce GTX...
Something is wrong in Cape Fortune...
Dark Tides is the story of a seaside Victorian town that's rapidly becoming infected with a disease that looks a whole lot like demonic possession. When a fake fortune teller finds out she can actually read minds she will become Cape Fortune's unlikely heroine. But time is running out. Can Theodora Green solve the mystery, or will Cape Fortune be lost forever?
Find hidden items with the help of your semi-trusty sidekick
Explore 50+ unique locations in Cape Fortune
Solve puzzles... and cause a little chaos...
Deceive, charm and chat your way into solving the mystery
Lovecraftian, story-rich narrative with authentic Victorian dialogue
Immersive and unsettling atmosphere
Beautiful 3D graphics with carefully-crafted, late-Victorian architecture, interiors and clothing
A feisty heroine with a rather unhelpful sidekick
Creative, challenging puzzles that you won't need a walkthrough to solve
Murder, betrayal, freak shows, taxidermy and so much more...
Become immersed in Victorian mysticism and imagery, befriend a bizarre cast of characters and get seriously creeped out in this tale of horror and adventure.
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