The Official Colt Canyon Soundtrack includes a collection of 20 atmospheric wild west tracks from your gunslinging adventures in the game. All tracks are composed by Luigi-Maria Rapisarda.
Luigi-Maria Rapisarda, composer of the Colt Canyon soundtrack:
"Endless deserts, smoking colts, saloons in whi...
The Official Colt Canyon Soundtrack includes a collection of 20 atmospheric wild west tracks from your gunslinging adventures in the game. All tracks are composed by Luigi-Maria Rapisarda.
Luigi-Maria Rapisarda, composer of the Colt Canyon soundtrack:
"Endless deserts, smoking colts, saloons in which the whiskey flows, bandits that wanna chase you down and the burning sun in the sky combined with typical instruments like harmonica, fiddle or an old bar-piano - the Colt Canyon soundtrack is inspired by the works of Ennio Morricone on the great Spaghetti Western movies of the 60s and 70s."
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