Embark on a hellish adventure!
A short but sweet game about an Angel on a Bloody Bullet-hell mission to kill Satan! Dash, Double Dash, Grapple & Blast your way through Hell to fulfill your Holy Mission. Will you be able to kill Satan? Or will you fail to master your abilities and DIE in this BLOODY...
A short but sweet game about an Angel on a Bloody Bullet-hell mission to kill Satan! Dash, Double Dash, Grapple & Blast your way through Hell to fulfill your Holy Mission. Will you be able to kill Satan? Or will you fail to master your abilities and DIE in this BLOODY HELL?
Explore all areas hell has to offer while keeping track of your progress using a map.
Ride in a minecart as you explore a vast, interconnected world.
The BLOODIEST Bullet-Hell game!
Paint the walls red with the blood of 20 different enemies and 5 demonic bosses.
Discover holy powers!
Unlock the hidden depths of Hell as you discover powerful abilities and open up new paths.
Make friends in Hell, and meet *rare vogels* (weird birds)!
Save baby chickens from the deepest depths of Hell.
Discover secrets!
Unveil the truth of Heaven and Hell.
Unleash your full potential!
Find, buy and combine upgrades with a unique and intuitive inventory system.
All for FREE :)
Bloody Hell is developed by 3 students from the Netherlands. Feel free to join our Discord and have a chat with us and share your experiences in Bloody Hell!
Częste osiągnięcia
Hello there.
Go to Hell. Literally.
Steamed Ham
Defeat Pork Chop.
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