From Charles Cecil, creator of the Broken Sword series, with art direction by Dave Gibbons, legendary comic book artist behind ‘Watchmen’, comes ‘Beyond A Steel Sky’, the long awaited sequel to the cult classic ‘Beneath a Steel Sky’.
You are Robert Foster. A child has been abducted in a brutal...
From Charles Cecil, creator of the Broken Sword series, with art direction by Dave Gibbons, legendary comic book artist behind ‘Watchmen’, comes ‘Beyond A Steel Sky’, the long awaited sequel to the cult classic ‘Beneath a Steel Sky’.
You are Robert Foster. A child has been abducted in a brutal attack. You have vowed to bring him home. The trail has led you to Union City, one of the last remaining mega-cities in a world ravaged by shattering wars, and political meltdown.
Union City is a utopia, its people loving life under the control of an altruistic AI: ever-attentive androids, designer living, piazzas and bars. What’s not to love? But this City has a dark underbelly...
‘Beyond a Steel Sky’ is a dramatic, humorous, cyberpunk thriller in which engaging puzzles drive a fast-paced narrative set in a dynamic gameworld that responds to – and is subverted by – the player’s actions.
The World
An adventure set within a dynamic world, populated by wilful characters driven by motivations that the player can subvert. In combination with a unique hacking tool, multiple solutions to puzzles emerge from player choices.
The Story
Unravel dark conspiracies, defeat a terrifying antagonist in this dramatic, humorous, cyberpunk thriller, which explores contemporary themes: social control, AI, and total surveillance.
The Puzzles
Intelligent puzzles are interwoven with an intriguing dramatic narrative to deliver a compelling gameplay experience.
The Look
A beautifully detailed, comic-book styled world, from the mind of legendary comic artist Dave Gibbons.
Częste osiągnięcia
Complete the game
Classic Threads
Unlock Foster's classic coat
Hunger Games
Feed Voxel a stolen sandwich
Cleanliness Is Next To Joeyness
Clean everything up, ready for the party
Your Lessons Are Over
Complete all tutorials
Poetry Slam
Watch a full poetry recital
Rational Or Just Crazy?
Examine all of Graham's conspiracy posters
Wash Pin Bowling
Knock Chipworth over
Water The Plants
Turn the sprinklers on
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