Ancient Enemy is a strategic RPG card game in which you make interesting tactical decisions as you battle distorted enemies and overcome challenging puzzles. Face a horde of deadly enemies, each one emerging from a world in which evil has already triumphed. You must not only endure, but also...
Ancient Enemy is a strategic RPG card game in which you make interesting tactical decisions as you battle distorted enemies and overcome challenging puzzles. Face a horde of deadly enemies, each one emerging from a world in which evil has already triumphed. You must not only endure, but also rebuild your powers to vanquish evil and fight one last duel against your monstrous nemesis!
Travel through a scarred landscape with dozens of atmospheric levels, draw power from the Earth, and struggle for the soul of the world itself. Test your skills against a host of foes in unique solitaire-style turn-based combat!
Innovative, strategic, turn-based combat.
Blast the Enemy's monstrous lieutenants with a satisfying range of spells and abilities.
Gather powers from the shattered landscape to heal your mind and enhance your magic.
Choose your own path through a dark, folkloric story.
Three difficulty settings ranging from relaxed to nightmare.
Duel your way to the citadel, and defeat your foe once and for all!
Ancient Enemy is the latest iteration of inventive card game design from Grey Alien Games, this time in collaboration with famed Scottish game artist Jen Pattison, and renowned games designer Jim Rossignol.
Ancient Enemy is an atmospheric turn-based adventure in the spirit of masterpieces such as Darkest Dungeon and Slay The Spire!
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