Wildcat Gun Machine is an explosion roller coaster ride! Enter a bullet hell dungeon crawler where you take on hordes of disgusting flesh beasts with a wide variety of guns, giant mech robots, and cute kittens.
Explore sprawling maze-like dungeons and libe...
Wildcat Gun Machine is an explosion roller coaster ride! Enter a bullet hell dungeon crawler where you take on hordes of disgusting flesh beasts with a wide variety of guns, giant mech robots, and cute kittens.
Explore sprawling maze-like dungeons and liberate giant mech robots from demonic elder gods. Enemy encounters are challenging and specifically designed - not randomized - to provide difficult combat puzzles.
Over 40 gun types to choose from. Each has their own unique features like auto-aim bullets, long-range laser beams or exploding rounds with a huge blast radius.
Super abilities that disintegrate everything on the screen!
Character upgrades to suit the player’s gameplay style. Players wanting a more forgiving difficulty can increase the times they’re able to respawn, while speedrunners can upgrade their movement speed and improve their dash skill.
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