About the VideoWe are alright (Lichtspeer documentary),the documentary debut feature film directed by Borys Nieśpielak.
Music by Maciej Zakrzewski.
After quitting their corporate jobs, Bartek and Rafal decided to create their first video game (Lichtspeer). The movie follows them throughout the...
the documentary debut feature film directed by Borys Nieśpielak.
Music by Maciej Zakrzewski.
After quitting their corporate jobs, Bartek and Rafal decided to create their first video game (Lichtspeer). The movie follows them throughout the last few months of working on the project. You’ll be able to witness their struggle to publish the game on PlayStation, the emotions of people associated with the game’s launch, and finally, Rafal’s and Bartek’s attempts to break into the consciousness of youtube stars and the industry press
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