Turn back the clock with this delightful collection of 26 new retro and vintage items to place in your hospitals.
Here’s just a selection of some of the items in the Pack (full list at the bottom of the page).
Vintage items!

Wind back the years, and actual magnetic tape, with the Reel-to-Reel, or let patients relive their misspent youth with the Pinball Machine.
Fancy a taste of tasteful? You’ll be needing the Flying Ducks wall decorations. Or perhaps you’d like your patients to feel a pang of nostalgia as they step on the scales with the retro Weighing Machine?
Retro vibes!

The more flamboyant sitters will find themselves at home with the Peacock Chair. Fancy proving you’re healthier and stronger than all of the sickly patients in your hospital? The Test-Your-Strength machine is right up your street. Experience how your grandparents watched reality TV with the Retro TV, and enjoy the “music-playing-trumpet-shaped-robot-friend” that is the Gramophone.
Joyous times!

Play the classics (from before they were ruined with all of the wub and the dub) with the vintage Jukebox. Or feel like the one true barber by basking in the twisty light of the Hypno-Pole.
The pre-cursor to the selfie revolution? Strike a pose like you’re a superstar in the Vanity Chamber. Then there’s the Charity Dog, a very good boy.
The full list of included premium items:
- Carnival Kiosk
- Charity Dog
- Dipping Duck
- Elephant Bin
- Entertaining Cabinet
- Flying Ducks
- Gramophone
- Gum Dispenser
- Hypno-Pole
- Jukebox
- Lung Capacitator
- Meaty Snack Machine
- Peacock Chair
- Pinball Machine
- Reel-to-Reel
- Retro Chair
- Retro TV
- Slithery Hamper
- Test-your-Strength
- Thrill Ride
- Trampoline
- Triangle Table
- Vanity Chamber
- Vaulting Box
- Water Closet
- Weighing Machine
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