Thief™ II: The Metal Age gives you a chance to revisit the dark streets of the City, now changed by the Order of Mechanists, a new cult which has embraced many of the followers of the fallen religion of the Hammerites. In a world of steam robots and cameras Garrett will have to face a new opponent -...
Thief™ II: The Metal Age gives you a chance to revisit the dark streets of the City, now changed by the Order of Mechanists, a new cult which has embraced many of the followers of the fallen religion of the Hammerites. In a world of steam robots and cameras Garrett will have to face a new opponent - Sheriff Gorman Truart, a lawman determined to rid the City of all criminals, starting with master-thief Garrett. Equipped with a new set of tools, including flash mines and scouting orbs, Garrett has to keep himself alive and unveil the secret behind Truart's actions. Starts out looking as a simple case of corruption will eventually become much more, and Garrett again finds himself a reluctant savior--but that doesn’t mean he’s not going to rob the City blind while he saves it!
Are you the sneaky type? Do you have a problem with the concept of personal property (unless it's your's)? Do you feel that shadows are your best friends? Thief™ II: The Metal Age will provide you with hours of stealth and thievery, just the way you like it.
Key Features:
Thrilling, stealth-based FPS gameplay
Complex, non-linear levels allow you to choose a different path every time
Advanced enemy AI and sophisticated new master thief tools to outwit them
Gripping narrative with intriguing subplots through 15 huge missions
Hall of fame entry in Gamespy
Greatest Games of All Time entry in Gamespot
3rd annual Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences Awards (2000) - Outstanding Achievement in Character or Story Development
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