2 Exclusive Divisions
2 Exclusive Aces
2 Exclusive Camos
2 Exclusive WallpapersTwo Exclusive Divisions and Exclusive UnitsUnlock two Exclusive Divisions, one per side, build the perfect Battlegroups and lead Exclusive Units on the Battlefield!
1. Skijäger-Division, a heavily mechanized e...
Unlock two Exclusive Divisions, one per side, build the perfect Battlegroups and lead Exclusive Units on the Battlefield!
1. Skijäger-Division, a heavily mechanized elite infantry division. It features the famous Sturmpanzer KV-2(r) heavy tank and the Panzerjäger Gazelle Exclusive Units!
3rd Guards Tank Corps, a fantastic Armored Division featuring the state-of-the-art 85mm AA/AT guns, as well as the very last of the IS-2 family, the IS-2 obr.44.
The most famous Aces of Bagration
Field iconic World War 2 Aces on the battlefield, learn about their incredible story and lead them to victory! Exclusively
Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub with his La-7 fighter aircraft, the "Ace of the Aces", holding the record for the highest number of confirmed air combat victories of any Soviet or Allied pilot
Ludwig Neigl and his Nashorn tank destroyer
The Pre-Order Pack also contains exclusive camos to customize your favorite units on the battlefield, and fantastic wallpapers specially made for your desktop!
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