Just when he thought his life was regaining some semblance of normality, Simon's wonder years are once again turned upside down when the evil sorcerer Sordid returns from the grave with only one thing on his mind - revenge!
Sordid reconstructs his Fortress of Doom and sends a magical wardrobe to fet...
Windows 7 / 8 / 10, 1.0 GHz, 512 MB RAM, 100% OpenGL compatible graphics, 300 MB available space...
Just when he thought his life was regaining some semblance of normality, Simon's wonder years are once again turned upside down when the evil sorcerer Sordid returns from the grave with only one thing on his mind - revenge!
Sordid reconstructs his Fortress of Doom and sends a magical wardrobe to fetch Simon, but it accidentally ends up on the doorstep of Calypso, the wizard Simon had to save in the first game. Simon then starts to look for a special fuel that can power back the wardrobe and get him home.
Journey with Simon through this inevitable sequel to the best selling Simon the Sorcerer, as he manages once more to get stuck in a land of twisted fairytales, recycled gags and carbon dated clichés!
With a cast of thousands (mostly woodworm) and enough Swampy Stew to keep an underprivileged country sick for a year, this classic adventure will keep you well entertained until we manage to make another sequel.
Simon The Sorcerer 2: 25th Anniversary Edition features:
Totally new, much praised, game play controls that were built from the ground up.
Hotspot based - no more pixel hunting!
All-new slick icons and animations.
Quick actions using right-click.
Completely new game menus and save/load system
Three Music options: music score in MT-32, General MIDI or AdLib
High-end graphics upscaling (xBRZ filter)
Optional retro settings: play with original graphics, original music and even the original controls (mouse pointer)
Multiple languages:
English voice acting, with the option for adding subtitles in English, Italian, Czech, -
Russian and Hebrew
German voice acting with or without German subtitles
Spanish voice acting with or without Spanish subtitles
French voice acting with or without French subtitles
Polish voice acting with or without Polish subtitles
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