The dragons have been popping peglins and stealing all of your gold for as long as you can remember. Enough is enough. It's time to venture through the woods, conquer the fortress, and delve into the heart of the dragon's lair to take back what's yours and teach those dragons a lesson.
Peglin p...
The dragons have been popping peglins and stealing all of your gold for as long as you can remember. Enough is enough. It's time to venture through the woods, conquer the fortress, and delve into the heart of the dragon's lair to take back what's yours and teach those dragons a lesson.
Peglin plays like a combination of Peggle and Slay the Spire. The enemies are tough, and if you're defeated your run is over, but you've got powerful orbs with special effects and incredible relics that influence both your enemies and the physics you'll use to defeat them.
Collect and upgrade powerful orbs and relics to defeat the monsters and bosses that stand in your way.
Fight enemies with Pachinko-like gameplay - hit more pegs to do more damage. Use crit potions, refresh potions, and bombs wisely.
Explore a new forest every time, with different orbs, enemies, and surprises along the way.
Popular achievements
Math Is My Passion
Deal just enough damage to defeat an enemy
Holey Moley
Defeat Avogadro, the Mole Boss
End Of The Slime
Defeat the Slime Boss
It Was Not Your Time
Leave an enemy with just one health point
System requirements
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