Full Newsroom Team ReturnsJoin the entire news team, including Jeremy Donaldson, Megan Wolfe and Jenny, for the first time since 2020. Reconnect with familiar faces (such as Alan James) as you try to break free from the timeloop you find yourself (and Boseman) trapped within.
Navigate a TimeloopE...
Windows 10, 2.7Ghz and up, Dedicated video card is required, 1gb VRAM, Integrated...
Full Newsroom Team Returns
Join the entire news team, including Jeremy Donaldson, Megan Wolfe and Jenny, for the first time since 2020. Reconnect with familiar faces (such as Alan James) as you try to break free from the timeloop you find yourself (and Boseman) trapped within.
Navigate a Timeloop
Embark on a tense new storyline where you find yourself caught in a timeloop. Uncover fresh clues with each repetition and piece together the truth behind the mysteries unfolding within the newsroom.
Longest FMV Song Ever
Immerse yourself in an epic musical journey with possibly the longest song in FMV history, spanning over 14 minutes! We won’t spoil why it happens, but trust us, it’s something else!
Closure to Main Game Stories
Discover the final revelations as The Timeloop brings closure to some of the lingering mysteries from the main game and allows you to find out more about your favourite characters.
Experience the Thrilling Conclusion
As the ultimate DLC, The Timeloop serves as the closing chapter in the Not For Broadcast saga. Prepare for suspenseful storytelling, challenging puzzles, and an unforgettable conclusion that will keep you hooked until the end.
Prepare to navigate the timeloop, uncover the truth, and confront the challenges of time itself alongside your favorite newsroom team (and Boseman)!
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