CLARC is an isometric, grid-based puzzle game with fast-paced arcade elements. It features comic style visuals in various different graphical themes, from the inside of a chaotic factory to the surface of Mars to the interior of an intruding enemy spaceship where you think, run, and fight through he...
CLARC is an isometric, grid-based puzzle game with fast-paced arcade elements. It features comic style visuals in various different graphical themes, from the inside of a chaotic factory to the surface of Mars to the interior of an intruding enemy spaceship where you think, run, and fight through heaps and heaps of carefully designed puzzle and action areas.
Our hero, Clarc #37, is a simple, hard-working maintenance robot, living in a decaying nuclear missile factory. Ever since the old supercomputer has disappeared, the rest of the facility has fallen into utter chaos. The discovery that diesel has thrilling effects on robotic circuits lead to a fierce shift in priorities: Every robot has since been focusing on drinking instead of working. Everyone except Clarc. So when a less-than-peaceful spaceship enters the stage to disarm and dismantle this out-of-control doomsday device of a partying factory, Clarc is the one to save the day. He has to overcome his programming to rescue his fellow robots and, of course, his newfound friend, the lovely atomic bomb, Clara.
Winner of the Deutscher Computerspielpreis 2014 (German Computer Games Award) for Bestes Mobiles Spiel (Best Mobile Game).
Features more than 100 spatial puzzle with 10+ hours of story-driven gameplay.
Detailed comic-style visuals with (almost) hand-painted textures.
Hilariously drunk robots dancing to funky German techno music.
soundtrack (MP3)
System requirements
Minimum system requirements:
Recommended system requirements:
Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
2.0 Ghz or faster
ATI or NVidia with 1 GB RAM
2.5 GB HDD
Mac notice: The game is 32-bit only and will not work on macOS 10.15 and up.
Recommended system requirements:
Mac notice: The game is 32-bit only and will not work on macOS 10.15 and up.
Why buy on GOG.COM?
DRM FREE. No activation or online connection required to play.
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