Battle Worlds: Kronos includes "Trains" DLC.
When the emperor of Kronos dies, the mighty Houses of the planet fight a ruthless war to settle the succession. The fraction that is able to seize control of the twelve holy temples and simultaneously light fires on each of them, appoints the new emperor...
When the emperor of Kronos dies, the mighty Houses of the planet fight a ruthless war to settle the succession. The fraction that is able to seize control of the twelve holy temples and simultaneously light fires on each of them, appoints the new emperor and decides on the destiny of all.
In the latest war of succession the House of Telit used nuclear weapons for the first time, nearly destroying the planet in the process. Anyone that could afford it, fled to the neighboring planet Rhea, among them the newly elected emperor. Those left behind on the planet, have established a new civilization. They call themselves The Residents and refuse to accept that their recovering planet will be once again used as the arena of a bloody competition.
Battle World: Kronos is a classic turn-based strategy game in the tradition of Battle Isle, Advance Wars and Panzer General. Have you ever wondered what games like that would look like today? Well, we did. As a result, we decided to develope Battle Worlds: Kronos.
"Trains" DLC includes: four new unit types with new gameplay features, and diverse new tactical options; compeletely new singleplayer campaign (ca. 15 hours of play time!); two new multiplayer maps; one new challenge map.
Strong AI that will challenge even experienced commanders.
Online & community features (ladder, chat, achievements and - in early 2014 - tournaments).
Editor for user-generated maps (PC only).
Two single player campaigns (~30 hours), single player challenge maps & hot-seat mode.
Live multiplayer & asynchronous multiplayer (think "play by mail"), both cross-platform.
Note: This game may require additional serial key for multiplayer mode. In case it is not automatically generated in your library (open it via website → select the game → More → Serial Keys), please reach out to our Support team.
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