Ce jeu contient un contenu mature réservé aux personnes âgées de plus de 18 ans

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RATING / ESRB / A Created with Sketch. RATING / ESRB / E Created with Sketch. RATING / ESRB / E10 Created with Sketch. RATING / ESRB / M Created with Sketch. RATING / ESRB / T Created with Sketch. RATING / PEGI / 12 Created with Sketch. RATING / PEGI / 16 Created with Sketch. RATING / PEGI / 18 Created with Sketch. RATING / PEGI / 3 Created with Sketch. RATING / PEGI / 7 Created with Sketch. icon_pin Created with Sketch.

Under The Hood

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Pourquoi acheter sur GOG.com ?
SANS DRM. Aucune activation ou connexion en ligne requise pour jouer.
Satisfaction et sécurité. Excellent support client 24/7 et remboursement complet jusqu'à 30 jours.
Under The Hood
You are starting your first day at a local garage 'Trish's Pit's. Breaking down engines with nothing but your toolbox. But three stunning mechanics are going to distract you at every nut. Meet Trish the busty hardworking mother, Silvie the Kart racing powerhouse and Frankie the computer nerd teen....
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{{ review.content.title }}
Détails du produit
2023, Shady Corner Games, ...
Configuration du système requise
Windows 7+, 1.2ghz, 4 GB RAM, 512 mb Video Memory, 500 MB available space, AMD High Definition...
You are starting your first day at a local garage 'Trish's Pit's. Breaking down engines with nothing but your toolbox. But three stunning mechanics are going to distract you at every nut.

Meet Trish the busty hardworking mother, Silvie the Kart racing powerhouse and Frankie the computer nerd teen. These three girls will be your guide to getting a big nut bank.

-Over 30 levels of block busting gameplay!
-New Mechanics keep you on your toes with Springs, Belts and Hazards!
-Explore Silvie, Trish & Frankie before the events of Shady Lewd Kart!
-Over 12 CG Unlocks to get dirty over!
-Voice work by SilkyMilk & Sarielle with sex scenes!
-Artwork by Pencilanon, Lynte, SkullZLatte & PixelboyMagazin!
-Lock N Lewd content for owners of Marble Maid, unlock a whole new route & story!

This Game may contain content not appropriate for all ages or may not be appropriate for viewing at work.

Configuration du système requise
Configuration minimale requise :

Under The Hood contains the following content:
-Risque outfits, sexual comments and adult situations
-Nudity (Full Frontal, suggesting and partial with nightgowns and see through clothing)
-Sex Scenes (Full frontal sex, blowjobs, sex acts with dubious consent and use of toys such as dildos and vibrators.
-All characters in Under The Hood are 18+ and over

Under The Hood contains the following content:
-Risque outfits, sexual comments and adult situations
-Nudity (Full Frontal, suggesting and partial with nightgowns and see through clothing)
-Sex Scenes (Full frontal sex, blowjobs, sex acts with dubious consent and use of toys such as dildos and vibrators.
-All characters in Under The Hood are 18+ and over

Pourquoi acheter sur GOG.com ?
SANS DRM. Aucune activation ou connexion en ligne requise pour jouer.
Satisfaction et sécurité. Excellent support client 24/7 et remboursement complet jusqu'à 30 jours.
Détails sur le jeu
Fonctionne sur :
Windows (7, 8, 10, 11)
Sorti le :
{{'2023-10-31T00:00:00+02:00' | date: 'longDate' : ' +0200 ' }}
Taille :
262 MB
Liens :


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30 derniers jours90 derniers jours6 derniers moisPeu importeAprès la sortiePendant l'accès anticipé