RATING / ESRB / A Created with Sketch. RATING / ESRB / E Created with Sketch. RATING / ESRB / E10 Created with Sketch. RATING / ESRB / M Created with Sketch. RATING / ESRB / T Created with Sketch. RATING / PEGI / 12 Created with Sketch. RATING / PEGI / 16 Created with Sketch. RATING / PEGI / 18 Created with Sketch. RATING / PEGI / 3 Created with Sketch. RATING / PEGI / 7 Created with Sketch. icon_pin Created with Sketch.

Star Trek™: Elite Force II

Pourquoi acheter sur GOG.com ?
SANS DRM. Aucune activation ou connexion en ligne requise pour jouer.
Satisfaction et sécurité. Excellent support client 24/7 et remboursement complet jusqu'à 30 jours.
Star Trek™: Elite Force II
The alien invaders show no mercy, and neither should you. Hack, blast and vaporize your way into the heart of galactic evil with devastating firepower. Battle through the ravaged hulk of a massive starship, protect an alien colony under siege, face the unknown on a treacherous volcanic planetoid an...
Genre :
Tir - FPP - SF
Notes des utilisateurs
{{ review.content.title }}
Détails du produit
2003, Ritual Entertainment, Classement ESRB : Teen...
Configuration du système requise
Windows 7 / 8 / 10, 1.8 GHz, 512MB RAM, 3D graphics card compatible with DirectX 9, DirectX 9, 1.5 G...
Time to beat
9.5 hMain
11 h Main + Sides
13.5 h Completionist
11 h All Styles
The alien invaders show no mercy, and neither should you.

Hack, blast and vaporize your way into the heart of galactic evil with devastating firepower. Battle through the ravaged hulk of a massive starship, protect an alien colony under siege, face the unknown on a treacherous volcanic planetoid and assault a host of insidious alien strongholds. Where diplomacy fails, the Hazard Team thrives.

  • Engage in an epic conflict alongside your teammates. Missions include both solo and team-based gameplay and range from creating all-out mayhem to stealth infiltration.
  • Vaporize your opponents in fast-paced multiplayer games such as deathmatch-style Holomatch, Disentegration, Capture the Flag, Action Hero and many more.
  • Fire at will with over a dozen advanced weapons including the Tetryon Gatling Gun, Advanced Grenade Launcher and Assault Rifle. All weapons feature a secondary firing mode.

TM, ®, & © 2003 Paramount Pictures. All rights reserved. Star Trek and related marks are trademarks of Paramount Pictures. This product contains software technology licensed from Id Software, Inc. Id Technology ©1999-2003 Id Softare, Inc. Game code © 2003 Activision, Inc. and its affiliates. All rights reserved. Published and distributed by Activision Publishing, Inc. Activision is a registered trademark of Activision, Inc. and its affiliates. Developed by Ritual Entertainment. The ratings icon is a trademark of the Interactive Digital Software Association. All other trademarks and trade names are the properties of their respective owners. © 2021 CBS Studios Inc. STAR TREK and related marks and logos are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Configuration du système requise
Configuration minimale requise :

Please Note: Multiplayer is available only via TCP/IP LAN.

Please Note: Multiplayer is available only via TCP/IP LAN.

Pourquoi acheter sur GOG.com ?
SANS DRM. Aucune activation ou connexion en ligne requise pour jouer.
Satisfaction et sécurité. Excellent support client 24/7 et remboursement complet jusqu'à 30 jours.
Time to beat
9.5 hMain
11 h Main + Sides
13.5 h Completionist
11 h All Styles
Détails sur le jeu
Genre :
Tir - FPP - SF
Fonctionne sur :
Windows (7, 8, 10, 11)
Sorti le :
{{'2003-06-20T00:00:00+03:00' | date: 'longDate' : ' +0300 ' }}
Taille :
1 GB
Liens :
Classement :
Classement ESRB : Teen (Violence, Blood and Gore)

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