This is a VR only game, and it requires a VR headset to be played.
Please, see the system requirements for details.
In this VR horror puzzle game, it's just another day of you, your trusty stream chat, and a young woman trapped in an experimental torture-test to see when she'll break. Can you save her?
It was supposed to be simple. The Crab 'n Grab, a trashy seafood restaurant a thousand miles from the sea. But your chat kept telling you to take a look. That something more is brewing underneath the surface. That there's something ""there"" there. And after all, isn't it your job to dive headfirst into danger? Isn't that the thrill?
How thrilling do you find the skittering of ticker-taps of robotic legs on concrete? What about the voice coming over the loudspeaker? Who's keeping her prisoner? Why are they testing you? They've got livewire electrical shortages in Sector One, the rotten remains of the holding cells in Sector Three, and all those finnicky, experimental gadgets stored in Sector Four. Your chat seems to want you to keep pushing your limits and you'll have to if you want to be a hero. Do you?
Hello Cruel World puts your ingenuity to the test. Think fast, think on your feet, and think outside the box. Designed from the ground up to take advantage of VR's interactive capability, Hello Cruel World asks you: just how far are you willing to go to sate the curious thrill spurring you on?
© 2024 Akupara Games
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