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Dungeon of the ENDLESS™ - Definitive Edition

français, English & 1 de plus
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Dungeon of the ENDLESS™ - Definitive Edition
A few hundred condemned criminals were being shipped to the Auriga system on board the prison hulk “Success”. While this was presented as a chance to earn back their place in society by working hard for the common good, they understood that in fact they would be slave labour, sent to colonize an u...
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{{ review.content.title }}
Détails du produit
2014, AMPLITUDE Studios, ...
Configuration du système requise
Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1, 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or equivalent, 2 GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce 8600 G...
Time to beat
7.5 hMain
25 h Main + Sides
110 h Completionist
18 h All Styles

A few hundred condemned criminals were being shipped to the Auriga system on board the prison hulk “Success”. While this was presented as a chance to earn back their place in society by working hard for the common good, they understood that in fact they would be slave labour, sent to colonize an unexplored planet. All they knew about Auriga Prime was what the probes told them: it had water, temperate zones, plant life, and plenty of metals in the crust.

In fact, the planet Auriga once hosted a major settlement of the galaxy-travelling ancestors known as the Endless. In addition, the planet was still orbited by a functioning (and well cloaked) defensive system, which sprang eagerly to life upon the arrival of the Success. Within a few minutes, the ship was nothing but a few large chunks of metal falling toward the planet.

Every set of holding cells also functioned as an escape pod, so the ship let itself disintegrate and the surviving prisoners fell bruised but (temporarily) alive and (momentarily) safe to the planet below. Safe, that is, until they realized that they had crashed through some sort of facility of the Endless, down to a sub-basement so deep and ancient it might as well be called a dungeon…

Gather A Team.

  • Form a team of heroes, each with their own strengths (and psychoses)
  • Equip them, deploy them, and earn powerful abilities
  • Manage the balance between ex-prison inmates and guards
  • Experience four player coop and watch your back

Build Your Defenses.

  • Use the Dust you gather to power the rooms
  • Use scarce resources to help your team survive
  • Build minor and major modules to hold off waves of monsters
  • Decode Endless ruins to discover life-saving technologies

Open the Door.

  • Each door is a danger; prepare yourself and your team for anything
  • Explore and discover an infinity of levels and layouts
  • Carry your crystal through waves of monsters to the exit of each level
  • Fight your way to the surface to discover the truth about Auriga

With monsters at your heels and a merry band of misfits for a team, get ready for a bumpy ride with the Definitive Edition which, along with the base game, includes:

Dungeon of the Endless™ - Deep Freeze

The “Refreezerator” spaceship will let you experience the game in a different way as well as introduce a new teammate: Kreyang. Don’t touch anything related to Drakken history in her presence… you might lose a hand.

Dungeon of the Endless™ - Rescue Team

You’ve crashed somewhere in an uncharted part of the galaxy? No one is responding to your cries for help? Fear not, the Rescue Team is on its way! For drill sergeant Sasha, operator Zugma and… Audio engineer Wes, failure is not an option.

© 2017 Amplitude Studios. All rights reserved. Dungeon of the Endless, GAMES2GETHER, Amplitude Studios and Amplitude Studios logo are registered trademarks of Amplitude Studios in the U.S. and other countries. SEGA and the SEGA logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of SEGA Holdings Co., Ltd. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. SEGA is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

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Pourquoi acheter sur GOG.com ?
SANS DRM. Aucune activation ou connexion en ligne requise pour jouer.
Satisfaction et sécurité. Excellent support client 24/7 et remboursement complet jusqu'à 30 jours.
Time to beat
7.5 hMain
25 h Main + Sides
110 h Completionist
18 h All Styles
Détails sur le jeu
Fonctionne sur :
Windows (7, 8, 10, 11)
Sorti le :
{{'2014-10-27T00:00:00+02:00' | date: 'longDate' : ' +0200 ' }}
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Taille :
319 MB
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