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Playing Zak McKracken for the very first time. Like the game so far.

However, this seems to be a game where you can get stuck, for example, by not having enough credits on your CashCard or by depositing a crucial inventory item (let's say, your remote control) in the artifacts slot on the door in San Francisco.

I suppose I could look for an answer on the Internet, but there's too much of a chance of reading spoilers.

So is this true?
This question / problem has been solved by EnforcerSunWooimage
Zjeraar: Playing Zak McKracken for the very first time. Like the game so far.

However, this seems to be a game where you can get stuck, for example, by not having enough credits on your CashCard or by depositing a crucial inventory item (let's say, your remote control) in the artifacts slot on the door in San Francisco.

I suppose I could look for an answer on the Internet, but there's too much of a chance of reading spoilers.

So is this true?
Yeah, there are many no-win situations in the game. These can include missing key items, running out of money, or even getting your characters killed off.
Zjeraar: not having enough credits on your CashCard.
While Zak or Annie can't hand over their CashCard to each other, there are other ways to exchange money.

Once Zak has access to the Lotto machine over the Bermuda Triangle, Zak should be able to give Annie a winning ticket..

As well as the butter knife that Zak can bend in the floorboards in his bedroom.

Lou will think it's a piece of modern art & pay handsomely for it.
Zjeraar: Playing Zak McKracken for the very first time. Like the game so far.

However, this seems to be a game where you can get stuck, for example, by not having enough credits on your CashCard or by depositing a crucial inventory item (let's say, your remote control) in the artifacts slot on the door in San Francisco.

I suppose I could look for an answer on the Internet, but there's too much of a chance of reading spoilers.

So is this true?
EnforcerSunWoo: Yeah, there are many no-win situations in the game. These can include missing key items, running out of money, or even getting your characters killed off.
Just finished the game. I found out myself there are quite a lot of unwinnable situations. Having a lot of saves helps. Strange how the game lets you keep playing even if you send the two girls off into space or if you let one of the playable characters die.

Anyway, the game was pretty imaginative and fun to play despite that.
I recall, the time I sat down and finally finished that game, that I restarted it a whole lot. I recall running out of money with both characters during the first playthroughs, running out of air with the girls on Mars, I recall the day I figured out how to get infinite money and sighed "oh god, finally!" before happily restarting the game from scratch once more and doing the trick straight at the start so I could travel endlessly with both characters.

Early in my multiple playthroughs, I saved my game before flying anywhere and whenever I flew somewhere and didn't acquire any object or solve any puzzles there, I simply reloaded so I wouldn't waste money. And that habit helped me later in my playthroughs because, even after money was no longer a problem, I kept on saving on different slots before entering zones I couldn't come back from or before performing any action, and if an action didn't give me immediate results or any positive result, I simply reloaded so I wouldn't get screwed up. And I don't believe I got stuck in a single dead-end once I figured out the infinite money trick because at that point I was becoming extremely careful with my saving and loading habits.

But in the end it was a fun game, and the only LucasArts adventure game I hadn't finished yet, and a game I have fond memories of watching my dad play back when his vision of babysitting me was to just sit me on his knees while he was playing games on our Commodore 64. I'm glad I finished it.
Wow I used to feel bad for solving this game with some help from a walkthrough, in the nineties.
But after googling the dead ends, there are quite many! - Wasn't expecting that at all.
I wonder how many old games have dead ends :)