What I would like to know :
Couple of questions reference the new Ventures and Visitors for GOG players
1. I presume GOG players will need to have GOG Galaxy installed for Ventures / Visitors to work ?
2. Will GOG Manual Installation files always still be supported for those of us who do not wish to have Galaxy installed, and prefer using the Manual Installation files ?
I hope so because when I get rid of Galaxy next week I hope to find after reinstalling the offline backup files that the game still works as it should for purely single play, no Galaxy, and WIFI switched off.
We did after all buy a single player game, only to have this online stuff added after the purchase. See the website, Features currently only lists the game as Single Player ..
https://www.gog.com/game/x4_foundations .. Therefore the game should never become dependant upon being online, correct ?
And this last question is just something I am curious about :
After 1.50 update (I currently do have Galaxy installed because the Manual install files are taking a while to be published), I noticed about 10 visitors in Argon Prime, and then noticed the new online settings options - I prefer to keep my X games completely single player, so switched off the Ventures / Visitors and watched as they all winked out of existence ..
.. Doing that during play, does that mean I have effectively killed however many ships were in my game as visitors, or will the people sending them get them back due to me switching off the feature ?
Hopefully someone will pop in and answer us .. But I doubt anyone from Ego or Moderators will visit GOG forums
I made a topic on tthe official forums with the above questions if anyone wishes to join in ..