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For 3 days, I mined the 9th level for better gear.

Then ambushed by wizards and wiped out.

Rescue party got 1 dude out, 2nd trip down, surprised by wizards and wiped out.

The Rescue Rescue party got 2 dudes out, then got surprised by female wizards... and wiped out.

I'd like to make another party, but I'm not allowed to create any more characters.


I'm starting to think the rumor that people completed this game is a lie.

This is just stupid.
Your roster might be full. I suggest deleting some characters to free up room.

Also, I'd seriously recommend backing up your save file every now and then so you can restore the backup if something horrible and unfair happens in the future.

As far as completing the game, the original Apple 2 version can be easily cleared by using a glitch to get 100 million XP and getting lucky with MAHAMAN against the final boss. (Well, and getting to the final boss intact, of course; casting MALOR during combat on level 1 can sometimes take you there.)

Also, most other versions don't allow casting during the surprise round, which prevents a wizard ambush from being a party wipe. It just happens that this version is based on the Apple 2 version, which doesn't have that rule.

In another thread, I suggested the idea of a "Wizardry 2 rules" option, where things would work like they did in Wizardry 2, including no spellcasing in the surprise round and certain spells being more useful; this would bring the game more in line with console remakes.
dtgreene: Your roster might be full. I suggest deleting some characters to free up room.

Also, I'd seriously recommend backing up your save file every now and then so you can restore the backup if something horrible and unfair happens in the future.

As far as completing the game, the original Apple 2 version can be easily cleared by using a glitch to get 100 million XP and getting lucky with MAHAMAN against the final boss. (Well, and getting to the final boss intact, of course; casting MALOR during combat on level 1 can sometimes take you there.)

Also, most other versions don't allow casting during the surprise round, which prevents a wizard ambush from being a party wipe. It just happens that this version is based on the Apple 2 version, which doesn't have that rule.

In another thread, I suggested the idea of a "Wizardry 2 rules" option, where things would work like they did in Wizardry 2, including no spellcasing in the surprise round and certain spells being more useful; this would bring the game more in line with console remakes.
Most are recovered, I have 4 left that are level 11 or 13. They are not in the square where they died on the 9th floor (2 steps from the elevator). When I cast the Locate spell I get told they are in the Southwest of Level 1. I've searched all of those tiles and found nobody. Is this a bug in this version or something else?
dtgreene: Your roster might be full. I suggest deleting some characters to free up room.

Also, I'd seriously recommend backing up your save file every now and then so you can restore the backup if something horrible and unfair happens in the future.

As far as completing the game, the original Apple 2 version can be easily cleared by using a glitch to get 100 million XP and getting lucky with MAHAMAN against the final boss. (Well, and getting to the final boss intact, of course; casting MALOR during combat on level 1 can sometimes take you there.)

Also, most other versions don't allow casting during the surprise round, which prevents a wizard ambush from being a party wipe. It just happens that this version is based on the Apple 2 version, which doesn't have that rule.

In another thread, I suggested the idea of a "Wizardry 2 rules" option, where things would work like they did in Wizardry 2, including no spellcasing in the surprise round and certain spells being more useful; this would bring the game more in line with console remakes.
Dustin_00: Most are recovered, I have 4 left that are level 11 or 13. They are not in the square where they died on the 9th floor (2 steps from the elevator). When I cast the Locate spell I get told they are in the Southwest of Level 1. I've searched all of those tiles and found nobody. Is this a bug in this version or something else?
I'm curious. How much success have you had with running away?
dtgreene: Your roster might be full. I suggest deleting some characters to free up room.

Also, I'd seriously recommend backing up your save file every now and then so you can restore the backup if something horrible and unfair happens in the future.

As far as completing the game, the original Apple 2 version can be easily cleared by using a glitch to get 100 million XP and getting lucky with MAHAMAN against the final boss. (Well, and getting to the final boss intact, of course; casting MALOR during combat on level 1 can sometimes take you there.)

Also, most other versions don't allow casting during the surprise round, which prevents a wizard ambush from being a party wipe. It just happens that this version is based on the Apple 2 version, which doesn't have that rule.

In another thread, I suggested the idea of a "Wizardry 2 rules" option, where things would work like they did in Wizardry 2, including no spellcasing in the surprise round and certain spells being more useful; this would bring the game more in line with console remakes.
Dustin_00: Most are recovered, I have 4 left that are level 11 or 13. They are not in the square where they died on the 9th floor (2 steps from the elevator). When I cast the Locate spell I get told they are in the Southwest of Level 1. I've searched all of those tiles and found nobody. Is this a bug in this version or something else?
From other posts I've read that the characters are reported on level -1 (which doesn't exist), not level 1.

My understanding is that those characters, unfortunately, are lost forever. There's a slight chance (higher on deeper levels) of this happening when the party wipes in a dungeon, and what happens is that the character's condition changes to LOST (which, as far as I know, can't be removed without a cheat program), and it seems the characters are placed in an unreachable location. Digital Eclipse's new code doesn't handle that situation properly, it seems.

So, just delete those two characters.

It's also possible for characters to be moved deeper in the dungeon or to be missing some of their items.

By the way:
* In the original version, LOST characters are treated as though they had been deleted. They will be missing from the roster, and newly created characters may overwrite them.
* The Famicom version of Legacy of Llylgamyn )Wizardry 3, but that particlar version is numbered "2") has a bug that corrupts your save file if you examine the roster at the Training Grounds with a LOST party member. There's a TAS that takes advantage of this by entering the dungeon with a solo character, getting ambushed right away, dying, getting lost due to (manipulated) bad luck, and then going to the Raining Grounds and checking the roster. Then, after a very precise reset (the sort you would only see in a TAS), another character walks into the shop, buys the game-winning item, entes the dungeon, leaves it, and that's the game. (The TAS takes less time than it took you to read this.)

By the way, one other thing I should mention: Don't teleport to level -1, or your party will fall to their deaths. (At least, in most versions, you can revive your characters in the castle if you do this.)
Post edited September 26, 2023 by dtgreene
I just double checked.
* The original game doesn't actually mark the character as lost, but it does set all 3 coordinates as dead.
* In the original version, the game will say that the character " IS UNREACHABLE!", instead of trying to display the character's location.
* The chance of this happening is 2% per dungeon level, so on level 9 this is 18% likely to occur, checked separately per character.
* It appears the game won't otherwise move characters, but there's a chance that some of the character's items might be lost. The chance decreases at higher luck (at 18 it's something about 2 out of 21 for each individual item, if the loss of items happens), and if the character has a cursed item equipped, it will never disappear in this situation.

Dev suggestion: If the player casts KANDI to locate a character who is on level -1, the game should say the character is unreachable instead of returning the invalid coordinates. I consider the current behavior, where the character is reported to be on the southwest of level -1, to be a bug.
Post edited September 26, 2023 by dtgreene

I'm curious. How much success have you had with running away?
Haven't used it.

Given Ambush Armageddon then throws 18% of characters into the void, the only rational response is to grind Murphy until you're high enough level to make a fast run at Werdna. Which is sad, stupid way to play. We really need an option to either recover lost characters or turn off Ambush spell casting.

Fine, copying %LocalAppData%\murphy\Saved\SaveGames and any future wipes I'll just undo.

dtgreene: I just double checked.
* The original game doesn't actually mark the character as lost, but it does set all 3 coordinates as dead.
* In the original version, the game will say that the character " IS UNREACHABLE!", instead of trying to display the character's location.
* The chance of this happening is 2% per dungeon level, so on level 9 this is 18% likely to occur, checked separately per character.
* It appears the game won't otherwise move characters, but there's a chance that some of the character's items might be lost. The chance decreases at higher luck (at 18 it's something about 2 out of 21 for each individual item, if the loss of items happens), and if the character has a cursed item equipped, it will never disappear in this situation.

Dev suggestion: If the player casts KANDI to locate a character who is on level -1, the game should say the character is unreachable instead of returning the invalid coordinates. I consider the current behavior, where the character is reported to be on the southwest of level -1, to be a bug.
LOLS -- after all the struggle with Level 9 stuff, Werdna was cake, even with a Level 10 Wizard instead of a Level 13.

Weird number of Murphy's Ghosts down there, I wasn't expecting that, but simple to defeat. The Will'o'wisp I ran into was annoying -- should have tried Darkness on it to make it faster for the Fighters.

Stacking Darkness on Werdna makes your Fighters brutal on him. Tiltowait + Malikto wiped out the vampires (not sure if they damaged Werdna).

Lame: Final victory message having a scroll bar so you can't screen capture the whole message. (Or, maybe if I'd been playing full screen instead of in a Window, it would have all been shown???)
Dustin_00: LOLS -- after all the struggle with Level 9 stuff, Werdna was cake, even with a Level 10 Wizard instead of a Level 13.

Weird number of Murphy's Ghosts down there, I wasn't expecting that, but simple to defeat. The Will'o'wisp I ran into was annoying -- should have tried Darkness on it to make it faster for the Fighters.

Stacking Darkness on Werdna makes your Fighters brutal on him. Tiltowait + Malikto wiped out the vampires (not sure if they damaged Werdna).

Lame: Final victory message having a scroll bar so you can't screen capture the whole message. (Or, maybe if I'd been playing full screen instead of in a Window, it would have all been shown???)
MORLIS is twice as powerful as DILTO for dealing with those Will-o-wisps, which, by the way, are worth a ton of XP.

Poison and Frost Giants are also worth a ton of XP, and it turns out that they're level 1, so (in most versions) MAKANITO will make them suffocate. (Also, Earth Giants, but not Fire Giants.)

Enemy XP, at least in the original Apple 2 version, isn't actually stored in the enemy data, but is instead calculated based on the enemy's stats, and for whatever reason, magic is weighted extremely heavily, causing magic resistant enemies to give tons of XP.

And yes, the game balance is really off here. The enemies on level 10 vary so widely in difficulty that, in the remake, the trick I found of pressing escape and quitting during battle to re-roll the encounter might not be a bad idea. (When you quit during battle, your party's stats are saved, but not the current battle state. Therefore, when you reload, you'll be at the same spot, but not in battle; if you're on a placed encounter spot, a new battle will start immediately, but the enemies will most likely be different (and if you have any good characters might even be friendly). You must have gotten lucky with the encounters down there.

Actually beating the game can be easy, but to me the real fun is building characters, particularly those with all the spells, and perhaps going for rare treasure, like the Muramasa Blada. Thins is, you really don't need to do this to beat the game, as you just demonstrated, and the permadeath with forced auto-save makes that particular style of playthrough more frustrating than it should be.

By the way, for anyone reading this in the future, make sure to attack any friendly *WERDNA* that might appear. If you don't, you won't get the amulet, and you will need to cast LOKTOFEIT (not recommended; seriously, what were they thinking with this spell?) or MALOR to escape. (Teleport traps are not an option, due to no other placed encounters being reachable.. In some versions, quitting the game and reloading will reset the floor, but I'm not sure if that happens in this version.)
In the old Apple II days that was the situation when you opened the door of your floppy disc drive - so bad things were just an imagination. And of couse you regularly mada a backup of your scenario-disc, just in case something bad happened with your floppy when you opened the drive at the wrong moment ...
Neither I nor my friends never had to rescue a party.

I'm starting to think the rumor that people completed this game is a lie.
With a bit "helping your luck" it is not so difficult ...