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One thing I noticed straight away is that in order to scroll through a window of text (like the opening message when you start a new game), you need to use the PageUp/PageDown keys to scroll through them.

Except, some laptops (like mine) don't have a PageUp/PageDown key. It would probably be a good idea to also allow using the arrow and/or WASD keys to scroll through text windows, or provide support for key customization.
never seen a laptop without these keys. You might have to use the fn key though
The right analog stick also works. Once the October update arrives, it will likely be possible to use the mouse, as well.

(Although they really should add key rebinding support.)
archolewa: One thing I noticed straight away is that in order to scroll through a window of text (like the opening message when you start a new game), you need to use the PageUp/PageDown keys to scroll through them.

Except, some laptops (like mine) don't have a PageUp/PageDown key. It would probably be a good idea to also allow using the arrow and/or WASD keys to scroll through text windows, or provide support for key customization.
On mine, there is a super tiny "pgup/pgdn" on the up and down arrow keys, which require hitting the FN key along with them. I think I might have an FN-LOCK key somewhere. Perhaps yours has something similar? I agree though, that this should come along with mouse support and some other QoL updates. Awesome game with a bit more polish should be more awesome!