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Decided to start seriously playing the game (albeit with backing up the save file, though only in town which I feel is enough of a restriction to add tension without things getting ridiculous), and I have thought of some more suggestions:

* If a character is carrying an item they can't equip, mark it in the inventory, so I don't have to go into the dungeon, wait for a load screen, try to equip it and fail, then leave the dungeon, wait for a load screen, all of which is for nothing.

* Also, should be able to equip characters in town, perhaps in the tavern (like in the original) and the shop (where the feature would be especially convenient; I believe Soliton's version does this).

* I changed Prospero's class from Mage to Thief (because he didn't learn either DALTO or LAHALITO at level 7), and I noticed that he retained his stats. While certainly helpful, this is not how the original game worked. Therefore, I think we need an old-school option to the effect of "stats decrease on class change" that, if turned on, would cause the stats of any character who changes class to reset to the minimums for the race, like how every other version of the game, to my knowledge, does this.

* Another innacuracy: On that one spot on 1F, you only ever fight 1 Murphy's Ghost at a time. In some versions, notably including the Apple 2 version on which this version is supposedly based, it's possible to encounter 2 Mutphy's Ghosts, in separate groups, in one encounter.
dtgreene: * I changed Prospero's class from Mage to Thief (because he didn't learn either DALTO or LAHALITO at level 7), and I noticed that he retained his stats. While certainly helpful, this is not how the original game worked. Therefore, I think we need an old-school option to the effect of "stats decrease on class change" that, if turned on, would cause the stats of any character who changes class to reset to the minimums for the race, like how every other version of the game, to my knowledge, does this.
Wow. I guess that explains their hint about class changing being the "secret to really high stats" but that's just ridiculous. At the very least, character stats should reset to class minimums like how it works in Wizardry 6+7.
dtgreene: * I changed Prospero's class from Mage to Thief (because he didn't learn either DALTO or LAHALITO at level 7), and I noticed that he retained his stats. While certainly helpful, this is not how the original game worked. Therefore, I think we need an old-school option to the effect of "stats decrease on class change" that, if turned on, would cause the stats of any character who changes class to reset to the minimums for the race, like how every other version of the game, to my knowledge, does this.
archolewa: Wow. I guess that explains their hint about class changing being the "secret to really high stats" but that's just ridiculous. At the very least, character stats should reset to class minimums like how it works in Wizardry 6+7.
Yes, this version *definitely* is friendly to class changing. I generally consider it a good idea to change class as soon as you fail to learn an important spell (like not learning a new, group attack when reaching mage level 7, not learning MAANITO at level 9, or not learning MADI at priest level 11), but now that strategy is even better.

In any case, I think that there does need to be an old-school option that resets stats to racial minimums like how it originally worked, and that option should be ON for both "Classic" and "Classic console".

I remember Stranger of Sword City Revisited being like this, but at least that game didn't give you any more stat points until you surpassed your former level, and it also took half your HP and MP.
Just another inaccuracy that I noticed:
* In the original Apple 2 version, whenever you level up your current HP does not change. (In other words, if you have 9/9 HP before leveling up, and you roll 16 HP at level up, you now have 9/16 HP, and need healing to actually benefit from those 7 points.)
* In the new remake (and in most other versions, I believe), your current HP increases by the same amount, so after leveling up, you remain at full health without needing to heal the extra HP you gain.

I noticed this because I watched a speedrun, and at the end the mage had 2/38 HP at level 13, despite never taking damage.
The last experience I can compare is Wiz I from the Wizardry Archives and that was more than 10 years ago.
The game is more experience and loot starved than what I remenber from the WA.
I would be for an authentic (iron man) mode and a mode with several QoL and Tweaks:
- a save and reload feature like the WA
- more armors, weapons and items in the Boltac store (so much money but nowhere to spend it, save for ressuscitating
- show the amount of gold a just created character has in the Training Grounds UI
lower the requirement of the ninja to all 15
- in general, maybe use the fixes and tweaks of Wizardry PG 3.0 of Snafaru
augment the experience cap from 9,999,999 to something at least double
- was it in the original that unles your current level > level when changing class, you can't gain more than 1 hp by leveling
CaldazarIL: - was it in the original that unles your current level > level when changing class, you can't gain more than 1 hp by leveling
That's not the rule.

The actual rule is that, at every level up, the game rolls your HP from scratch (instead of just rolling for HP when you gained a new level), and if that roll is not greater than the old HP total, you get a 1 HP level up. Hence, going Mage -> Fighter will give you good HP gains relatively early, while for the reverse you can expect to get only 1 HP per level until well after your former level.

(Conversely, if your level 40 Fighter who somehow has a max HP of only 1 gets a level up, expect to see a huge HP boost.)
CaldazarIL: - was it in the original that unles your current level > level when changing class, you can't gain more than 1 hp by leveling
That's an AD&D rule. (not in Wizardry, as she said)