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When the default party go to the maze, the game hunged up.
I tried twice, the results is same.

The error message is attached.

Please help me.
natsutan: Dear

When the default party go to the maze, the game hunged up.
I tried twice, the results is same.

The error message is attached.

Please help me.
Thanks for the detail, reported back to the team.
I've noticed that, when the game is unstable, it's really unstable. While I can sometimes get in a decent session without is crashing, I've found that if it crashes for me once, it will likely do so again and again, though not always in the same place. I've tried changing settings that seem to fix the issue for a while, but I don't know if my most recent attempt (Turning off the Apple II overlay) is actually helping or just a temporary placebo effect.

I bring this up not just to complain, but to point out that, if it helps, every crash I've had except for one (Which just gave a generic "FatalError" box) has been accompanied by precisely the error attached to the OP, down to the line number. If nothing else, it's a bit reassuring that it's not just a my computer thing.

Some of the places I've seen this:
-On the "main menu". Sometimes I can get to town, sometimes not.
-When The Maze first tries to load upon entering it (Saw this at least twice)
-When a battle tries to load (Again, saw it at least twice)

Every time, visuals freeze while the audio keeps playing and no input is accepted. Then, after (I'm guessing based on the error message) two minutes, that GameThread error pops up and the game exits (One time it actually took my GOG Galaxy with it).