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Because I feel like it, I'm going to post what is probably the fastest method of beating Wizardry 1. Note that this method ignores many aspects of the game, and does not involve fighting enemies on their own terms. (I may later post a topic about character builds that's geared more towards getting the most out of the game.)

First of all, you might ask what party you want. It turns out that all you need is a level 13 mage who knows MAHAMAN. Having high intelligence will increase your chance of learning the spell upon reaching that level. (Thjs is the first mention of having to get lucky.) A bishop or samurai could also work at a high enough level, but would take much longer to reach the required level, unless you're playing the original Apple 2 version with the identify glitch. Stat-wise, the most important stat is Agility, so you can act before the enemies; Intelligence increases the chance of learning MAHAMAN on time, and can also help you learn key spells (like MAKANITO) as well.

Equipment? What's that? Yes, you really don't need equipment or items (other than the amulet) to beat the game.

You might want some bodyguard(s) to help out, but it can be done without them.

Once you have the mage with MAHAMAN (who will also know MALOR), the strategy is as follows:
* First, get to the 10th floor. You can do this by MALORing to the square on the 9th floor that has the chute. Unfortunately, you can't teleport to the 10th floor directly with an out-of-battle teleport.
* Once there, you need to make your way to the boss. At the end of each section, there's a door, which will have an encounter behind it. If you get ambushed, or if the encounter is hard, just press Escape as soon as you can and quit out of the game. In the new remake, when you reload, the game will be in the state it was in, except that you're not in battle, at which point the game will immediately start a new fight. The 10th floor battles vary widely in difficulty, ranging from

Alternatively, instead of doing those last two steps, just get into a fight on the first floor and cast MALOR. In the Apple 2 version, I have had this drop me off on the 10th floor right near Werdna's door. (It's how I beat that game, and how the Apple 2 speedrun does it, though note that I did use the identify glitch.)

As for defeating Werdna:
* If Werdna is friendly, you need to attack him. (This can happen in some versions, but is probably a bug.)
* In the Apple 2 version (and probably this version), cast MAHAMAN. This has a 1 in 3 chance of teleporting away the enemies, provided you get to act.
* Some other versions (like the NES version) use Wizardry 2's version of HAMAN and MAHAMAN, which lets you choose from a list of 3 reandomly-chosen effects. If you're playing one of these versions, cast HAMAN instead of MAHAMAN, as that will almost always get you the "teleport enemies" option. (In those versions, MAHAMAN is best used for its ability to revive the dead, something it can't do in the Apple 2 version.)

Now get the amulet, use it to warp out of there, and leave the dungeon. Congratulations!

(One tip: Instead of climbing up to town, leave your party at the entrance to the dungeon. Then, you can form a party of 5, add the character with the Amulet in the dungeon, and get the reward for your entire party. Just be aware that, at least in older computer versions (and likely the case here), you will lose everything those characters are carrying. it's a good thing you don't need any of those items to beat the game, right?)