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really though, great effort, great game, still have the first floor memorized, perhaps more... love the animation on the 'lito series...

keep up the good work.. if you can find the source for Omnitrend's Universe.. that'd be another good one, with all the crying about Starfield currently...

keep up the good work, and if a retired geezer can you help, playtesting, beta testing, bug finding, network and PC hardware, lemmeno
To answer the question in the title:
* You copy your save file before leveling up, and then copy back if you don't like the level up.

In all seriousness, though, a 1 HP gain is pretty normal in this game. The game re-rolls your HP from scratch, and if the new roll isn't better than the previous roll, you only get 1 HP. This could happen for a number of reasons:
* You got a particularly good HP roll last level up.
* Your vitality went down, giving you worse HP rolls. Once your vitality goes back up, you'll get a big HP boost. (This even happens normally, and is especially noticeable if you're already at a decent level when your vitality first goes above 15.)
* You lost a level without losing HP. (HAMAN/MAHAMAN will do this to you.)
* You recently changed class. Expect 1 HP gains for a while until your level catches up to your HP.

In summary, a 1 HP gain is usually not a reason to open the drive door.

And yes, it is good work so far, even if there are some bugs.
dtgreene: To answer the question in the title:
* You copy your save file before leveling up, and then copy back if you don't like the level up.

In all seriousness, though, a 1 HP gain is pretty normal in this game. The game re-rolls your HP from scratch, and if the new roll isn't better than the previous roll, you only get 1 HP. This could happen for a number of reasons:
* You got a particularly good HP roll last level up.
* Your vitality went down, giving you worse HP rolls. Once your vitality goes back up, you'll get a big HP boost. (This even happens normally, and is especially noticeable if you're already at a decent level when your vitality first goes above 15.)
* You lost a level without losing HP. (HAMAN/MAHAMAN will do this to you.)
* You recently changed class. Expect 1 HP gains for a while until your level catches up to your HP.

In summary, a 1 HP gain is usually not a reason to open the drive door.

And yes, it is good work so far, even if there are some bugs.
talk about responsive... 0.0.2 rolled out while typing this.. and my thief just got +21HP....
dtgreene: To answer the question in the title:
* You copy your save file before leveling up, and then copy back if you don't like the level up.

In all seriousness, though, a 1 HP gain is pretty normal in this game. The game re-rolls your HP from scratch, and if the new roll isn't better than the previous roll, you only get 1 HP. This could happen for a number of reasons:
* You got a particularly good HP roll last level up.
* Your vitality went down, giving you worse HP rolls. Once your vitality goes back up, you'll get a big HP boost. (This even happens normally, and is especially noticeable if you're already at a decent level when your vitality first goes above 15.)
* You lost a level without losing HP. (HAMAN/MAHAMAN will do this to you.)
* You recently changed class. Expect 1 HP gains for a while until your level catches up to your HP.

In summary, a 1 HP gain is usually not a reason to open the drive door.

And yes, it is good work so far, even if there are some bugs.
roz17: talk about responsive... 0.0.2 rolled out while typing this.. and my thief just got +21HP....
Still have only the 0.1 installer available.

That +21 HP boost sounds about right, assuming your thief had low HP for their level.

(Perhaps the game was using the wrong die size for the HP boost formula or something?)