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* First, the ability to back up and restore saves, so that one can "go back in time" if something bad happens, like a character being killed in an ambush, or the player slipping up with MALOR. This would also be good for experimentation. Then, an Iron Man mode could be added for those who prefer to not have this safety net. (Until this is done, I will likely be backing up my save file while playing this game.)

* An option to remove the aging mechanic entirely, or at least make it so that going to the inn doesn't age the character or cost Vim.

* On that matter, make starting Vim/age not random by default. Furthermore, allow the player to gain extra bonus points, up to the maximum the original game would allow (19 or 20, I think), at the cost of Vim (or aging the character), at character creation. This would allow one to actually create a Samurai at the start of the game. (If "random attribute points at character creation" is selected, then starting age/Vim would be random like it was in the original.

* Make Malor show the map, with an option to switch floors, and then allow the player to choose a spot on the map to teleport to. There should then be a setting to disable this and have the spell work like it originally did.
dtgreene: * First, the ability to back up and restore saves, so that one can "go back in time" if something bad happens, like a character being killed in an ambush, or the player slipping up with MALOR. This would also be good for experimentation. Then, an Iron Man mode could be added for those who prefer to not have this safety net. (Until this is done, I will likely be backing up my save file while playing this game.)

* An option to remove the aging mechanic entirely, or at least make it so that going to the inn doesn't age the character or cost Vim.

* On that matter, make starting Vim/age not random by default. Furthermore, allow the player to gain extra bonus points, up to the maximum the original game would allow (19 or 20, I think), at the cost of Vim (or aging the character), at character creation. This would allow one to actually create a Samurai at the start of the game. (If "random attribute points at character creation" is selected, then starting age/Vim would be random like it was in the original.

* Make Malor show the map, with an option to switch floors, and then allow the player to choose a spot on the map to teleport to. There should then be a setting to disable this and have the spell work like it originally did.
I had a bad luck issue also. I almost won my first fight and by accident hit run on one of the toons and it ran me away into a bigger fight and all my self rolled people died. What file is the save file incase something like that happens again or a bug crash even?
and could we get the origilnal versions of the games inclued please!
Post edited September 16, 2023 by neosapian
Love your user image icon! :-)