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1) It's seems that the AC is not always well calculated. If i unequip and equip again the AC came back ok.

2) This one is a bug that some people will like. If you go in the Inn and sort by Class, your members dead will appear so you can add then in party without rescuing them. Now that i know, this will be hard not to use this cheat.

3) Sometime it seem that we see the real name of what we found in chest in the message sceen when we find it. But in the inventory they are mark as unindentified. I remember finding a Shield +1 that was mark as *shield* in the inventory. I should have not known what it is.

The game is really good, now i think i'll wait next patch too continue.
Post edited September 26, 2023 by zarovitch
zarovitch: 1) It's seems that the AC is not always well calculated. If i unequip and equip again the AC came back ok.

2) This one is a bug that some people will like. If you go in the Inn and sort by Class, your members dead will appear so you can add then in party without rescuing them. Now that i know, this will be hard not to use this cheat.

3) Sometime it seem that we see the real name of what we found in chest in the message sceen when we find it. But in the inventory they are mark as unindentified. I remember finding a Shield +1 that was mark as *shield* in the inventory. I should have not known what it is.

The game is really good, now i think i'll wait next patch too continue.
I also have found this bug with the identification of items when found, but in inventory, it comes up unidentified. Kind of weird when you know what you have, then it doesn't show up when you look.

Also another bug I have found, after not disarming a teleport trap, items that I had been finding after I won battles, were not in inventory. I think I lost three items from them saying I found them, but not being there.

Also, how fast do things flee from a battle? Man tough to get XP when even within one turn things run away.