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After going to the Inn and selecting a character who is eligible to level up, then clicking the arrow to level them up - when the attribute screen appears, if the player presses Shift, not only will the whole party be rested during the levelup screen, but then it becomes possible to press Z to back out of the Inn without assigning the available attribute points and completing the levelup. (The assign attributes panel will still ne on screen, but the other menu options, such as "Visit tavern" become available when they should not - once the player assigns the attributes and completes the levelup, the player is stuck in the character selection screen and cannot go back with the Z key or Enter, ESC, etc. The game had to be force quit)
Post edited December 17, 2023 by Absolute_Dakka
Absolute_Dakka: After going to the Inn and selecting a character who is eligible to level up, then clicking the arrow to level them up - when the attribute screen appears, if the player presses Shift, not only will the whole party be rested during the levelup screen, but then it becomes possible to press Z to back out of the Inn without assigning the available attribute points and completing the levelup. (The assign attributes panel will still ne on screen, but the other menu options, such as "Visit tavern" become available when they should not - once the player assigns the attributes and completes the levelup, the player is stuck in the character selection screen and cannot go back with the Z key or Enter, ESC, etc. The game had to be force quit)
I have only played to the point where my party is level 10 however I have noticed a few bugs all of which happen when leveling up.
First, sometimes the level up screen gets stuck and pressing the key to leave the tavern causes the character to level up despite them not having enough experience. In another case I had a mage with an INT of 18. After leveling up normally the character's INT had dropped to 8.
I am not sure if this is related but there are premade characters in the tavern. One of them is a level 60 Lord... Not a bad deal for 12k gold I guess...
I am really enjoying the game but I am looking forward to a version that does not have these bugs.