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1- Some textures on the pillars are see-through when viewed from certain angles.

2- The activation of attack redirection make the legacy UI display absurd things: a warrior already killed the lone wererat but the two other warriors are displayed as having attacked a wererat and killed them when they killed werewolf.

Other remarks:
- raise the level cap, please.
- they are some monsters whom we will have never the deatailed bestiary cards (monster allocation center's level 7 fighters, I see you; but also Werdna and the Vampire Lord).
- on these register, maybe make it possible to buy information (bestiary cards) on the monsters, why not in the inn, my party is not the only one that came back of the labyrinth.
- make a better indicator that the ninja has done a critical hit, he could use the publicity.
Post edited January 15, 2024 by CaldazarIL