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Just been wondering a few things about this remake:
* Does Werdna have his own battle theme yet?
* For characters without maxed stats, using the new growth system, is it possible to get no bonus stats at level up?
* Do HAMAN and MAHAMAN still behave like in the Apple 2 version, bugs and all? (This includes the possibility of spell books being scrambled, and the impossibility of the resurrection effect.)
* Can you dodge the XP loss from level draining by casting MALOR or LOKTOFEIT during the battle, or by a party wipe (assuming the character's body doesn't become unreachable)?
* Speaking of level drain, what happens if the XP "loss" from level draining puts the character over the XP cap?
* How does the game handle the Afraid status, or if the dungeon is modified to include a spring? (Such a spring exists in Wizardry 2, but the code for it can be found in Wizardry 1. The Afraid status is present in the original game, but won't happen except via a glitch, and isn't fully working.)