SpooferJahk: Hey there everyone, I just purchased Privateer and have had the first two Wing Commander games for quite some time but I have one problem, I am terrible at these games and have no clue on how to play them right. My main issue is being able to keep my fire on the ships and be able to avoid getting constantly shot. How do you vets do it is my question, what are you tips/advice on how to maneuver properly in these flight games and be a hotshot pilot.
I am digging the atmosphere and what is available in Privateer, but I just can't get very far sadly.
Which controls are you using?
The main rule is never stay still, in Privateer it's better to do some short range commerce and scouting missions as you can just hit the afterburners and reach the nav points without engaging any enemy so you can buy better equipment and eventually a better ship.
The asteroid fields are tricky, keep in mind that the game engine just throws asteroids at you depending on your speed and direction, the best thing to do is slightly changing vector constantly by flying in the general direction you want to go.
Your shots don't reach the targets instantly and you have to take that into account while aiming, in privateer and WC2 there are some ships (or targeting computer upgrades in the case of Privateer) that have a lead indicator but in WC2 it's often VERY imprecise.
Also: if you didn't do it yet, read the manuals (they are great for the overall atmosphere as they are written in-universe and also suggest some tactics) and print the refcards (they are among the downloadable extras, no need to print the one for the expansions as the keys are more or less the same as the base game) for remembering the keyboard commands.