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What it says(/asks) on the tin.
The developer is Different Tales and the publisher is Walkabout.
Garran: The developer is Different Tales and the publisher is Walkabout.
I can read. No one answered my question. It looks like Different Tales is either a subsidiary of Paradox Interactive or is paying them for their World of Darkness and/or Werewolf: The Apocalypse license which I believe they bought entire and have now run entirely into the ground. Literally decades of creative work down the tubes by a bunch of corporate types run by a C-suite of people who made their money from online gambling applications. Scammers. Blood money, IMO.

Let me know if I can buy this without a fraction of a penny going to Paradox Interactive.
Garran: The developer is Different Tales and the publisher is Walkabout.
Witch2Gog6: I can read. No one answered my question. It looks like Different Tales is either a subsidiary of Paradox Interactive or is paying them for their World of Darkness and/or Werewolf: The Apocalypse license which I believe they bought entire and have now run entirely into the ground. Literally decades of creative work down the tubes by a bunch of corporate types run by a C-suite of people who made their money from online gambling applications. Scammers. Blood money, IMO.

Let me know if I can buy this without a fraction of a penny going to Paradox Interactive.
According to Wikipedia Paradox bought the entire White Wolf Publishing, relating here the World of Darkness rights.
These rights immediately went to a separate entitiy, which worked mostly independently to Paradox, especialy on the creative front, so whatever this White Wolf sub-entity did with the franchise, is not the actualy fault of Paradox, so maybe you should rethink your boycott, because Paradox cannibalised its sub-company for getting out of hand creativly, so they can fix things. This happened in 2018, anything since then happening with the franchise is their fault directly.

But if you uphold your boycot, it seems the rights remained at Paradox (previously they belonged actualy to White Wolf, not to mix with White Wolf Publishing). The developments of games since the aquisition in 2018 the company is made by other companies, the whole franchise got outsourced.

So yes, Paradox would surely gain some royalty-money from Heart of the Forest, but if your complaint against them is pre-2018, and is World of Darkness-related, you should re-think your boycot.
If the above criterias are unmatched with your problem, then unfortunately you shouldn't buy this game, because of your standards.
Somewhat confused about what you are trying to communicate here. I am aware of the transactions you mention above, though I am not quite sure you have the dates right. It still does not sound like a clear answer about the rights involved in the making of this and other, recent White Wolf games. Please also realize that Wikipedia is not a trustworthy news source for things like this.

The bottom line for me is that Paradox Interactive needs to remove itself from the video and RPG gaming industry and return to what their C-suite does best: making money off online gambling addicts.

I encourage others to hold onto their hard-earned money until White Wolf returns to its original artists and creators.