blackhound.927: If the game doesn't pause for a radio message, it's probably just flavor. Your Rangers are very picky about which distress calls they choose to pay attention to, I guess.
And yeah, the game's not long enough. I have no clue what they spent all that time and money doing, unless it was just wasted on the stupid multiplayer junk and making the load times longer. Probably they flushed a few million bucks down the toilet so they could have pretty graphics, because apparently that's way more important than bug-testing or making a decent interface.
Who requested co-op or console support for a Wasteland game anyway? Did the devs see that awful game Divinity Original Sin and just want to copy it because it's popular? Are there a lot of console gamers who play turn-based strategy games? I don't get it, but it seems dumb to me.
While I totally agree that the game is really short, especially since Wasteland 2 was much, much bigger on release - personally I actually got really bored with Wasteland 2. The whole game seemed to drag on and on, the loot was placed in gamey locations that didn't make any real-world sense, and I really struggled to complete it. I tried again with the DC version, but I gave up only a few maps in.
So personally I'm glad they went with a game that's shorter but so much better IMO.
DLC will likely add a lot of stuff - which I suspect will be stuff that was originally intended to be in there anyway, but was cut for release. Which is a shitty thing to do of course, but it's still better than ending up with another Wasteland 2.
On the multiplayer - I'm honestly not sure who thought that was a good idea. Pretty sure no one actually cares about it. Judging by the pre-made teams, I'd say it was heavily influenced by a marketing department that got way too big.