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Installed Chaos Gate and applied the EXE rename and stutter-fix registry entries, but this throws up another problem.

You can't edit any game options - at least I can't under Windows 10. Any modifications to the game's options (animation speed, Music preferences, etc.) instantly get reset to defaults upon exiting that menu.

I'm wondering if this is a rights / folder path length issue. Other than this, the game runs fine.

Anyone else having this issue?

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GibsonXXI: Installed Chaos Gate and applied the EXE rename and stutter-fix registry entries, but this throws up another problem.

You can't edit any game options - at least I can't under Windows 10. Any modifications to the game's options (animation speed, Music preferences, etc.) instantly get reset to defaults upon exiting that menu.

I'm wondering if this is a rights / folder path length issue. Other than this, the game runs fine.

Anyone else having this issue?

Same exact issue for me right down to the steps taken to make it work.

I bought this game despite already owning the CD from the 90s and having kept it. I didn't need to pay $10 for the privilege of it being broken in new ways when I could just keep playing it in a windows 95 vmware box and deal with the ugliness for free.
GibsonXXI: Installed Chaos Gate and applied the EXE rename and stutter-fix registry entries, but this throws up another problem.

You can't edit any game options - at least I can't under Windows 10. Any modifications to the game's options (animation speed, Music preferences, etc.) instantly get reset to defaults upon exiting that menu.

I'm wondering if this is a rights / folder path length issue. Other than this, the game runs fine.

Anyone else having this issue?

So I had the following problems like everyone else:

3 tiny windows
Stuttering when renaming executable
Unable to change settings after resolving executable.

So here's what I did. It looks like a lot of steps but it's not. Some of them might not be necessary but I'm not a Windows guy I'm more of a unix guy.

1) Install. Renamed executable (I just put an i in front of the .exe name)

2) Followed the instructions in this thread to fix stuttering:

3) Once stuttering was resolved I renamed the executable back to WH40K.exe.

4) Follow the instructions in this post to download and install Regshot.

5) After that is done, take a snapshot in Regshot. Leave regshot open.

6) Launch the executable (which should still be called WH40K.exe (original name)

7) Hit esc through the 3 black screens until you get to the main menu. It'll be hard to see but you should know you're there because you'll probably hear the sound of the spinning menu options.

8) Hit 'o' to enter options.

9) Hit 's' to disable music. Don't worry if you want music you can change that in a second this is just an easy one to change.

10) Hit 'Enter' to leave that menu and save changes. Then hit Esc until the game closes.

11) Take your 2nd shot in Regshot. Then hit 'compare'.

Scroll through the changes looking for the 'Music' change you made. There will be several entries but the one that worked for me was HKEY_USERS\S-<a bunch of numbers>-1001\SOFTWARE\Classes\VirtualStore\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\RandomGames\WH40K\1.0

12) Launch Regedit

13) Go to the key above, find 'Music' and make sure it is set to 'No'. The reason why I had to use Regshot is because the spot where I thought I had to make the changes was having no impact.

14) Set the music key back to yes if you want music and change any of the other settings. The important one for me was Unit Animation Speed which I set to 75 (100 was too fast) because 50 was unbearably slow.

15) Rename the executable from WH40K.exe to iWH40k.exe. Launch game. :)

Good luck. It's not as arduous as it might appear. Granted if I want to make config changes I have to make them in Regedit but at least this game works and it's better, overall, than the experience I had running my with original disc in a VM.
crobertw, huge thanks for your help with changing settings. It would have never occured to me that those are part of the registry and not some file. Altough I did not bother with monitoring the changes, just searched for "W40K" until I got to the right place. Probably will be faster to search for some of the settings name, for example "Unit Animation Speed", I doubt there are many entries with that name :-)
Indeed, having the ability to toggle / change the 'Cut to character Level on Select' Option is pretty critical too. Having the level constantly cut to the character level upon selection is annoying as hell.

I'll add your post to a text file and save it next to the one I have backed up for the stutter fix crobertw, so thanks for that.


I've also done the VM route (with Win98 the installed OS), but the GoG Edition is much simpler. Hell, I was able to get it to run OK on Win7 with a similar explorer task-kill batch file that's required for the original StarCraft, and once the typo in the WeapDef.dat file is fixed, it ran without issue. The Executable crashes on exit, but It used to do that on Win98 regardless too.

Post edited April 04, 2016 by GibsonXXI
One thing I would recommend to people doing these mods / hacks is that rather than 'renaming' your WH40K.exe file, you instead make a copy of it, and rename that instead. Then create new start menu links pointing to the new file (maybe with a '(fixed)' tag on the end of the shortcut name).

If, in the unlikely event that GoG pushes out an update for this game fixing the current incompatibilities with Win7/8/10, the install may end up being partially updated if it can't find ALL the original game files. And it may then be unplayable for that reason. This will be common sense to some people, but I think it's worth mentioning, nonetheless.
