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I'm having trouble with this mission. Trying to get up and running early and the enemy orcs keep sending Ogre Juggernauts at me. Any tips would be appreciated.
TigerTanker44: I'm having trouble with this mission. Trying to get up and running early and the enemy orcs keep sending Ogre Juggernauts at me. Any tips would be appreciated.
Go immediately for the larger island with the gold mine and settle there. That is, the island with a small orc base on it. Also settle on the smaller gold mine island a bit later. While you are gathering resources and upgrading your town hall use 2 catapults to take out the juggernauts. They will hug the shore trying to get to you, so they should be easy to take out since the catapult's range is further than that of the juggernaut.

I used the southern shore of the smaller gold mine island to build my fleet and gather oil. I mostly used submarines to deal with the juggernauts. As for oil, there are 3 spots near your base (including 2 on the bottom right). Try to build oil platforms on each of them, with two oil tankers assigned to each. They will suffer attacks by enemy ships, but you should be able to get enough oil to at least build a submarine that can defend them.

Focus on building a large submarine+juggernaut fleet and take control of the seas. The rest is pretty easy then. Try to lose as few ships as possible though, just so that you don't run out of gold.
Matewis, thanks for the tips. I've tried to start at the first gold mine Island and put a lumber mill on the first island(the one next to the start area), but it doesn't work out for me.
TigerTanker44: Matewis, thanks for the tips. I've tried to start at the first gold mine Island and put a lumber mill on the first island(the one next to the start area), but it doesn't work out for me.
Glad to help, good luck :)
Use catapults to help fight off their juggernauts. You won't have enough oil to fight their juggernaut spam on water at the start of the level, so try to draw them closer to shore and use catapults to defeat them.
This might be useful:
You can 'micro' your ships against enemy juggernauts (or battleships) -> whenever you see them approaching order your ships to move as close to them (instead of attacking) as possible, and fire only after they have shot. This way you have quite a high chance (depends on the exect positioning, your ships shouldn't move in a line) that the enemy juggs' will miss your ships and instead fire behind them. Having in mind that their rate of fire is very slow, this will put you at the advanatage againt them.

I hope this will be helpful. I've played through the campaign several months ago and I remember the struggle in this mission, but it's feasible. Consider slowing down the speed of the game during the naval combat, if you have troubles or when you are outnumbered.
Probably would have been better to link to the video directly than the leaderboard. Still, the strategy of just using your starting forces to beeline for their gold mines and shut off their economies at the very start is a good one. Both gold mines are exposed right on the coastline and you've got lots of forces to strike with off the bat.
Darvin: Probably would have been better to link to the video directly than the leaderboard. Still, the strategy of just using your starting forces to beeline for their gold mines and shut off their economies at the very start is a good one. Both gold mines are exposed right on the coastline and you've got lots of forces to strike with off the bat.
then show us your skill
Szwagiermc: then show us your skill
What are you even talking about? You came into a thread about a casual playthrough of the orc campaign, dropped a link to the speedrunning leaderboard with no explanation, then made a hostile non-sequitur response against someone who found the associated video and summarized the strategy you used. I'm not sure whether there's a language barrier, or you're just trolling.
?? You said u can do it faster, I said do it,

If I got enough army to kill my enemy I should wait till he will be out of gold? Even if someone is playing casual, he should do his Best, someone got problem, So I didnt say Just attack enemy, I gave video, no diffrents
Post edited April 22, 2019 by Szwagiermc
Szwagiermc: ?? You said u can do it faster, I said do it,
I said no such thing.

You posted a link with no explanation, so I found the associated video, watched it, and then described the strategy you were using. This thread isn't about speedrunning; it's about giving the best advice for a struggling player to complete the mission. If the most consistent and easiest to execute strategy happens to be running out the enemy gold mine, then that's perfectly fine for a casual playthrough where time doesn't matter and the player in question lacks the skill in execution that a speedrunner woud have. As I said, I think that landing your forces on the mainland is still a good strategy for a casual playthrough. Even for a player with poor execution skills I think the sheer number of starting forces makes such a landing doable.
I was sure u wrote it, thats why i answered it, probably i read in diffrent topic about something else. Sorry for that
Post edited April 23, 2019 by Szwagiermc