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Just interested in how other people have found out about this game?
The same way as you have. ;)
And the same for me too ! ^^
Same here man

Metal just wasn't synthesised properly ;)

Also, his side-project Keygen Church (on bandcamp) is fantastic too!

Just saw it on the frontpage of GOG, looked at the trailers, liked the theme and music good enough for an instant buy :) I just wonder, why the soundtrack is not sold here too (or on Steam), it´s probably one of the main selling points of the game.
Suthriel: Just saw it on the frontpage of GOG, looked at the trailers, liked the theme and music good enough for an instant buy :) I just wonder, why the soundtrack is not sold here too (or on Steam), it´s probably one of the main selling points of the game.
The soundtrack is for sale on Bandcamp by MASTER BOOT RECORD:
Found out about it because I visit GOG pretty much daily and scroll to the bottom of the page to check new and upcoming releases. A couple of months ago I saw this one, looked cool enough.

Turns out it's just meh.

Apparently there's a very vocal community around this game and the people who made it, so I guess I'm the one who's "wrong", though.
Geronemo_Fnord: Just interested in how other people have found out about this game?
Saw it on Steam, almost bought it there, but then I found out it's also on GOG :)
same, he's one of the few I'm following on Bandcamp. Also he's from my country, so I threw my money at him immediatly
tsirhcitna: Also he's from my country, so I threw my money at him immediatly
I am not from your country, but I love his soundtracks and I also like to throw the money in this direction.
Good taste knows no borders or limits ;)