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At the end of the Unmechanical setup, my system (Win7-64bit) performed a .NET Framework dowload and repair. Why this download? Aren't all necessary files to later reinstall this game in the installer?
I'm going to contact the support.

I have the same problem on windows XP SP3 Professional. The installer destroys .NET 4 installation and causes .NET maintenance window to pop up.

My gaming PC is not always online, so I had to connect it to the internet for the repair to take place. Without that game's installation cannot finish.

The game itself is interesting and runs smoothly. fix the installer, please.

P.S.: The message to support has already been sent, including the link to this thread. So we all have a replay. If they contact me first, I'll post their message here.
Post edited August 10, 2012 by vanchann
DirectX runtime and .NET 4 were installed on my laptop by the installer as well. Both are already on all of my systems. When I installed on my XP box I simply cancelled the install of both and the game ran perfectly with my existing installs. It is hard to stop the install if you are not expecting it and especially if you're new to gaming.

I think the installer should check for an existing install prior to re-installing the files. IMHO it is an attempt to ensure that the game will run since neither the latest DirectX runtime or .NET 4 is guaranteed to be on a given system.
I noticed the installation of DX 9 June 2010.

I already had both frameworks installed and they were up to date. The installer hadn't any option to install or not additional packages. Nevertheless, these outdated libraries cause no harm unlike the operations on .NET framework.

I could plug a debugger and check what's happening during the installation process, but it may take much time to figure out the problem and find a workaround. It's's responsibility to fix the installer.

Anyway, it's unacceptable for an installer to corrupt preexisted frameworks during the installation.

P.S.: I was thinking that .NET maintenance's window could pop up just because the installer attempts to re-install the framework. In this case if we just choose cancel, the installation will be finished and nothing will be corrupted. I'm not going to risk it though. So I'll be waiting for a replay.

Even if that's the case, dear fix the installer please. In the end maybe just an option to install additional software, may clear this obscurity.
Post edited August 11, 2012 by vanchann
Hi there
I'll update the installer shortly - I'm sorry for troubles this might caused.
Please notify on Game page that .NET Framework 4 is required because I didn't want it! And please a warning in the installer.