Posted August 24, 2021
Note: Bliznik, I couldn't reply to your last reply in the above thread about my Ultima 7 The Complete Collection problems. Not sure why. This reply-post works, for some reason. Please respond when you can. Thanks.
I pressed this on the "Black Gate + Forge of Virtue" and "Serpent Isle + The Silver Seed" Extras pages, but nothing happened. I then finally did it on "The Complete Collection" one, and then realized it was downloading the maps and other stuff referenced just above it (Maps, Manuals, etc.). I think I may know what you actually meant. At the bottom of the "Black Gate + Forge of Virtue" and "Serpent Isle + The Silver Seed", under "Offline Backup Installers" there's the same game name in a clickable area, but nothing happens when I click on it. For "The Complete Collection", under it is a bigger rectangle with the words inside: "No files available for Windows". Please let me know what to do.
FYI, if you open your window a bit more from left-to-right, you can see the "Overview" "My Progress" and "Extras" tabs without needing to click on the "..." ellipses to navigate to the "Extras" menu.
Hmm, that is interesting that you get the "No files available for Windows" menu option. I honestly have never seen that before, so I don't think I can help you with your GOG Galaxy issue. If I were you, I would just completely uninstall GOG Galaxy and reinstall it, and I would also check your control panel to see if Ultima VII is installed on your computer, and I would also uninstall that before trying to install it.
Would uninstalling GOG Galaxy also uninstall all the games I bought and saved/cataloged on it?
My games are here: C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games, where the Ultima 7 folders are: Ultima 7, Ultima 7 - Serpent Isle, and Ultima 7 The Complete Edition. "Ultima 7" leads to "The Black Game + Forge of Virtue" shortcut (Launch Ultima VII - The Black Gate) to the DOSBox.exe game in the DOSBOX folder, "Ultima 7 - Serpent Isle" leads to "Serpent Isle + The Silver Seed", and under DOSBOX folder is the DOSBox.exe (but this one won't load all the way, but the shortcut in the main folder works fine). And the only thing under "Ultima 7 The Complete Edition" is the "iDownloads" folder, which has the manual and maps, same folder also in the first two.
So you want me to uninstall both The Black Gate + Forge of Virtue and Serpent Isle + The Silver Seed? And I suppose there's nothing do uninstall for The Complete Edition?
And by control panel you do mean Windows Explorer, right?
Another alternative is to download the install files from the GOG Website interface instead of GOG Galaxy. On the website, you can log in, then click your profile name, and navigate down to "games," click on the game, and then click on either "Download and install now" or "Download Offline backup game installers"
Ultima 7: The Complete Collection doesn't show there, just Ultima VII - The Black Gate + Forge of Virtue (top left corner, top of the list), and four listed games below that is Ultima VII - Serpent Isle + The Silver Seed. The four games between and the rest are other games I've purchased before, nothing Ultima VII related.
And would my games be safely stored in "Games" in my account area you showed me if I uninstalled Gog Galaxy?
Also, I bought Ultima 7: The Complete Edition here first, originally:
I pressed this on the "Black Gate + Forge of Virtue" and "Serpent Isle + The Silver Seed" Extras pages, but nothing happened. I then finally did it on "The Complete Collection" one, and then realized it was downloading the maps and other stuff referenced just above it (Maps, Manuals, etc.). I think I may know what you actually meant. At the bottom of the "Black Gate + Forge of Virtue" and "Serpent Isle + The Silver Seed", under "Offline Backup Installers" there's the same game name in a clickable area, but nothing happens when I click on it. For "The Complete Collection", under it is a bigger rectangle with the words inside: "No files available for Windows". Please let me know what to do.
FYI, if you open your window a bit more from left-to-right, you can see the "Overview" "My Progress" and "Extras" tabs without needing to click on the "..." ellipses to navigate to the "Extras" menu.
Hmm, that is interesting that you get the "No files available for Windows" menu option. I honestly have never seen that before, so I don't think I can help you with your GOG Galaxy issue. If I were you, I would just completely uninstall GOG Galaxy and reinstall it, and I would also check your control panel to see if Ultima VII is installed on your computer, and I would also uninstall that before trying to install it.
My games are here: C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games, where the Ultima 7 folders are: Ultima 7, Ultima 7 - Serpent Isle, and Ultima 7 The Complete Edition. "Ultima 7" leads to "The Black Game + Forge of Virtue" shortcut (Launch Ultima VII - The Black Gate) to the DOSBox.exe game in the DOSBOX folder, "Ultima 7 - Serpent Isle" leads to "Serpent Isle + The Silver Seed", and under DOSBOX folder is the DOSBox.exe (but this one won't load all the way, but the shortcut in the main folder works fine). And the only thing under "Ultima 7 The Complete Edition" is the "iDownloads" folder, which has the manual and maps, same folder also in the first two.
So you want me to uninstall both The Black Gate + Forge of Virtue and Serpent Isle + The Silver Seed? And I suppose there's nothing do uninstall for The Complete Edition?
And by control panel you do mean Windows Explorer, right?
Another alternative is to download the install files from the GOG Website interface instead of GOG Galaxy. On the website, you can log in, then click your profile name, and navigate down to "games," click on the game, and then click on either "Download and install now" or "Download Offline backup game installers"
And would my games be safely stored in "Games" in my account area you showed me if I uninstalled Gog Galaxy?
Also, I bought Ultima 7: The Complete Edition here first, originally:
Post edited August 24, 2021 by Rodimus_2316