Right now and the next 40 our's. You can get Tropico 5 at steam for 25% (75% off the price). The dlc's go at 50% off. total price is then 44.87 eur (likely 1 usd = 1 eur).
you could then copy SteamTropico\DLC to GOGTropico and you will likely have a full game without crappy-protection. (DRM = Digital Right Minimization)
I already did buy the first Tropico 1-4 on steam. And then here on GOG to get them liberated from crapy-protection. I refuse to buy more Digital Right Minimized crap from steam. so can not legit try this out.
I just hope/Guss the DLC's will be released here on GOG with a initial 50% discount. So that the price tag will match the on on steam.
Edit ->>>
forgot to mention that this do work with tropico 4.
Since I own tropico 4 with DLC's on steam and GOG I can test it legit.
if I do copy all content of SteamTropico4\DLC folder to GOGTropico4 everything seems to work.
only exception is that the online features is reintroduced in the menu system. But in a nonfunctional state. GOGTropico 4 can not go online. Even if online features is in menu system. That wold probably require connection to the steam network.
Post edited November 15, 2015 by Agrilla