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Trepang 2 game is really fun....but got some issues

- I absolutely hate looking for objects in a shooter; finding keys is my limit

-ran into a serious timesink bug that didn't trigger a door opening to progress

-lack of ammo in some situations

-bosses you can't kill due to lack of ammo

-and this is all even worse because if your autosave is at the checkpoint where these issues are encountered then you have to restart the whole level; wasting up to an hour of time

-wasting time running around a practically empty base instead of just having a mission menu to select from

This is a bummer because the game had so much potential; but it is a far, far, cry from F..E.A.R. due to the above issues.
- Mediocre graphics (trying to mask it with a lot of dark areas)

- Can be finished in about 2-4 hours

- Enemy A.I. is not that great
P-Rock: - Can be finished in about 2-4 hours
Maybe if you rush through the game or play it on the easiest difficulty. I did my first playthrough on Very Hard and it took me 10 hours to finish all the campaign and side missions (looking for all the collectibles and drones).
charlemagne1980: -lack of ammo in some situations

-bosses you can't kill due to lack of ammo
I've now wasted absolute ages trying to get anywhere with that Flesh Golem boss, and I'm out. grenade launcher, incendiaries, and frag grenades ... and still nothing. and i'm playing on Normal, for heaven's sake. lack of a visible health bar on him doesn't help either, i have no idea if/how much damage i'm dealing. and then run out of ammo altogether. also, no strategy, no being cunning somehow...he just zeroes in on you constantly, so you're just frantically running/sliding with no real plan just to get out of the way. and no, i'm not restarting the whole level just because the level designers have messed up here.
Post edited August 17, 2023 by patrickhlauke