Posted August 22, 2010
I remember back in '98, my parents brought my sister and I to Best Buy to get us some computer games. My sister chose EverQuest. Since it was like $40 at the time, that was enough for both of us. Then as we were leaving I saw a game on sale for $10. It was called Total Annihilation with a big robot on the front. I begged for it, knowing nothing about it. After installing it, I fell in love with it. For years I have kept the CDs, installing them on every new computer I got up till this year when I got my first PC with windows 7. This was the only computer that would not run TA. I was pissed. Several months later, I saw this game appear on GOG for 5.99. I almost cried. I love this game dearly, and after buying it off of GOG, I haven't touched StarCraft II. So much can be said about how great this game is, I could spend all day writing. This game is worth every penny, from the graphics, to the gameplay, down to the soundtrack.