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! ! Is there or will there be VR support? ! !
There is currently no VR-support but I will look into it.

! ! Does the game support ultra-wide screens ! !
I don´t have a ultra-wide screen myself but ultra-wide-Users can try this:
Open the "Engine.ini" located in "C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Local\titanstation\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor"
XXX = Username

In engine.ini add:
When creating a (game) world it is worth considering world building, immersion, believability.

"Convince me that this is a real place." Fictional worlds do not have to mirror our own exactly but they should have their own internal logic and realism.

There is a kitchen area with a sink and presumably other amenities, a sofa/rest area and a bar/table for eating and working.
"This is where I/my player character would eat."

The bed is in a separate room.
"This is where I/my player character would sleep."

The player character's apartment has no bathroom/toilet?
"This is where I/my player character would wash/do their business."