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I think this might be just my problem but when I click on the STICKY link it takes me to ttlg forums. Then, when I click on the link to TFix 1.15 (115MB) it takes me to this page :

Is this where it should take me ?

There is a download button on the page. When I click it I get the following message :

"Sorry, we are unable to scan this file for viruses. The file exceeds the maximum size that we can scan." This is then followed by an option (a link) to "Download anyway." When I click this link the download begins and everything seems to be okay. However, at about 66% complete the download goes back to 0% and starts again. It does this ad infinitum.

At this point I have a TFix icon on my desktop and I try to run it but I get this message :

NSIS Error

Installer integrity check has failed. Common causes include incomplete download and damaged media. Contact the installer's author to obtain a new copy.

So I'm assuming that my TFix download is incomplete ? I don't know a way around this and I'm discouraged that no-one else seems to have the same problem.
This question / problem has been solved by voodoo47image
yes, an incomplete download. try using a different browser.
voodoo47: yes, an incomplete download. try using a different browser.
Okay thanks, I'll try that. If that fails I'll try disabling my antivirus software. Thanks again.
voodoo47: yes, an incomplete download. try using a different browser.
Thanks, I changed from Opera to Internet Explorer and it downloaded completely. I don't understand why it wouldn't download completely in Opera but what the hell.

And I've installed it's awesome - just like Tafferpatcher for Thief2. Thanks for writing this !
strictly speaking, I did not really "write" any part of it, just sort of molded everything together, but yeah, thanks.

funny thing, I also use opera and never had such an issue.
voodoo47: strictly speaking, I did not really "write" any part of it, just sort of molded everything together, but yeah, thanks.

funny thing, I also use opera and never had such an issue.
Yeah I realise that TFix already incorporates NewDark but frankly the long way of installing it looks a bit complicated to me so this easy installer is a godsend. Strange that Opera does that to me but not to you : I get the same message in Internet Explorer about the file being too large to scan but in IE (thankfully) it does download 100%.