Boeriemore: I have searched Novigrad, Velen, White Orchard , Shelige and now Coussaint for a herbalist that sells
Rebis, Erynia eye, and Vermilion but they all seem to sell the same, Nothing anywhere.
Any suggestions? (excuse the spelling)
Hickory: You get Erynia Eyes as drops from... Erynias. Lots on Undvik, Skellige.
Rebis and Vermilion you craft yourself. Go to any good herbalist for any missing ingredients. You can get the formulas from Gremist on Ard Skellig.
All videos and sites I have checked for rebis and vermillion foruma leads to that master alchemist in Skellige but he has never had whenever I have seen him. Some people state that he has all formulas but this is not true. I have been to all alchemists and herbalists in the game and am yet to find these items.
As for Erynia eyes, the caves in Undvik had two Erynias but nothing to loot.
Someone said north west Velen, east of lighthouse. A flock of birds there but the horn and aard brought none down.
Someone said Skellige, north of Redgill marker, and there I finally got myself two eyes.